Saturday, August 31, 2019
Walmart Analysis
Company Information Sam Walton opened their first Walter store since July 2, 1962. â€Å"People think we got big by putting big stores In small towns. Really, we got big by replacing Inventory with information. †They opened their first store In Rogers, Arkansas. By 1967 they owned 24 stores and bringing In $12. 7 million In sales. By 1970 Walter went national. They also became a publicly trading company. In sass's the first Cam's Club opened and the first Walter Superstructure opened as well. It combines a supermarket and general merchandise all in one place.In sass's, Walter was named America's Top Retailer. They also opened their first Cam's Club in Mexico City in 1991. Sam Walton passed away in 1992 at age 74. By that time, Walter employed 371,000 associates In 1,928 stores and clubs. In 1993, they hit their first $1 million mark in sales. Between 1994 and 1998, Walter opened stores in China, United Kingdom, and bought Wolcott 122 stores in Canada. (www. Walter. Com) By 20 14, Walter employs 2. 2 associates at more than 1 1 ,OHO stores worldwide. At this time it serves over 200 million customers.Walter's earnings per share Increased 10. 6 % to $5. 02. They had an Dalton of $22 billion In net sales, and they are now a $466 billion company. They SOOT Strengths Wide range of products International operations Cost leadership strategy Weaknesses Labor related lawsuits High employee turnover Negative publicity Opportunities Trends towards healthy eating Retail market growth Online shopping growth Threats Resistance from communities Rising prices Gap Analysis Walter has had to face several labor related lawsuits every year. They cost the company millions of dollars.The company is criticized for poor work conditions, low ages, unpaid overtime work and female discrimination. It also suffers from high employee turnover. It Increases the company's cost because they have to do a lot of training of new employees. I think the reason for the high turnover is because they have low skilled and poorly paid Jobs. These two gaps are best filled by training needs. I think management needs a better training assessment for their employees. Walter does have a lot of stores order to keep employees, I think they need a better training program.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Islam and the West Essay
The Clash of Civilizations? : Islam and the West When taking another glance at Huntington’s â€Å"Clash of Civilizations? †, the provocative nature of his arguments and the fervent scholarly debate that followed are hardly surprising. Although, for myself, I remain troubled by one important question. Is Huntington completely wrong, as many propose, about a rising conflict between the nations of Islam and those of the West in the post cold war era? Huntington contends that the future will boast conflicts between and within civilizations. More so, cultural issues will bring on these conflicts with a particularly divisive role being played by religion. With that said, it is my contention that Huntington is not completely wrong about the evolution of conflict between these two. Though I feel his groupings of civilizations into eight defining entities to be arbitrary and over generalized. My research and focus will be strictly on the aforementioned conflict between Islam and the West, for which I feel are appropriately categorized, though further research should be done on the capacity of violence between sects within religions. Eric Neumayer and Thomas Plumper (2009). International Terrorism and the Clash of Civilizations. British Journal of Political Science, 39, pp 711-734 doi:10. 1017/S0007123409000751 From,http://journals. cambridge. org. proxy. lib. pdx. edu/abstract_S0007123409000751 The authors examine the elements of conflict through the means of terrorism and root causes that can be drawn from these. They examine Huntington’s claims of increased international terrorism against foreign and domestic civilizations in the post-Cold War era. Drawing from data they identify key components in the underlying causes/provocations for international terrorism. Huntington, S. P. (1993). The Clash of Civilizations?. Foreign Affairs, 72(3), 22-49. The primary concept is that, after the Cold War, there will be a fundamental shift in the dynamics of conflict on a global level. No longer primarily influenced by nations and economics, the proceeding conflicts will be hedged on the fundamental cultural differences that exist within civilizations.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Manufacturing Technology Essay
In this article, it lists out several manufacturing technologies that set out new and easier processes for not just the workload, but set for an easier lifestyle as well. (summary) The automated systems was best said on my end. Transfer machines, cell phones and other automated devices are used to set a communication establishment upon anyone. It’s all about producing faster and having more efficiency in the industrial world. They also help reduce costs such as a bank you have ATM’s rather than having a clerk or 2 handling your withdrawals and deposits. You also have development of apps. These apps can take pictures of your checks and deposit them from there. Also manage your accounts with transfers and payments. It’s claimed that many human interactions really don’t require the human touch to it, which is true. Transfers of virtual products and or cash don’t need to be manually human handled. The article has been developed this year, which defiantl y will have a fair and accurate perspective on the manufacturing technology that we have in mind now. Timings, R., & Wilkinson, S. (2000). Manufacturing Technology (2nd ed.). 1061-2890, Harlow, Essex: Longman. In this book we come across specific detail about percentage-wise wholes in how much costs were reduced at the time of the startup in manufacturing technology. It claimed that all manufacturing technology orders dropped 20.4% at the start of its creation and then suddenly rose 9.8% later that year. Every year since then there’s been a 3% up raise since the start of it all. Having it being written 15 years ago I am heavily against this book, just due to the fact of how much our technology has advanced. The book shows how transfer machines are being held against in the workload and reducing the efficiency of work from its employees which is just a big key factor in communication. With the advancement in technology this has got to be a joke. Almost all technology is set in touch screen adaptations, faster ram processors, and larger memories to keep companies moving and cost efficient. Blaedel, K. L. â€Å"SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology.†SciTech Connect: Manufacturing Technology. USDOE, 1 Feb. 1997. Web. 20 Jan. 2015. This set article claims that there are 4 projects that led to the main movement of manufacturing technology. It details exactly how they got to developing such a vast movement at the time which we could easily set apart from our age having it being published over 10 years ago. It shows exactly how to â€Å"develop an understanding of fundamental fabrication process†. Heap, J. (2004). International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (Vol. 57, pp. 156-176). Bradford, England: Emerald Group. This book had several findings of out SME’s had an early development progress against productivity and performance management throughout different AMT’s. It shows the different effects in management and what manners they had at the time to reduce operation costs and team efficiency. Acquisition of Manufacturing Technology. (2013). MENA Report, Retrieved from Throughout this article we the write to see what acquisitions were involved to establish the different types of manufacturing technology in our more recent industry. Our updated technologies have claimed to make our recent years more cost efficient and productive by over 150%! I am all up with this article because it has its cited facts and it’s only 2 years from our current date, so this would be my most supported article just due to the date it was created. Milgrom, P., & Roberts, J. (1990). The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Technology, strategy, and organization. The American Economic Review, 511-528. In this scholarly article, we learn the economics of modern manufacturing and what came with the update at the time and how it was processed and underwent a revolution. The scholarly article stated that the â€Å"mass production model is being replaced by a vision of a flexible multiproduct firm that emphasizes quality and speedy response to market conditions while utilizing technologically advanced equipment and new forms of organization.†This was the start of a new branch in observing what could be replaced and updated with technology. I do enjoy seeing the central difference of how technology has shaped the workplace with time. Doms, M., Dunne, T., & Roberts, M. J. (1995). The Role of Technology Use in the Survival and Growth of Manufacturing Plants. International Journal of Industrial Organization, 13(4), 523-542. In this scholarly article, we come to distinguish the relationship between principal strength, how we use to come across the usage of manufacturing technology and what growth rates it came with. It stated that the main findings at the time had a mindset of higher progression rates against technology would have a far less development and production failure. Tracey, M., Vonderembse, M. A., & Lim, J. S. (1999). Manufacturing Technology and Strategy Formulation: Keys to Enhancing Competitiveness and Improving Performance. Journal of Operations Management, 17(4), 411-428. When coming across this article we see how the main set of technology was set and how that generation at the time had evolved it into a more competitive and healthier implement. As stated, â€Å"Linear Structural Equation Analysis results show that the relationships between a firm’s practices in these two areas and its competitive capabilities are found to be statistically significant and positive†, which shows me they had their own strategic role in which they followed to test out their performance and which ways they could use to improve the marketing satisfaction. Shepherd, D. A., Mcdermott, C., & Stock, G. N. (2000). Advanced Manufacturing Technology. Journal of High Technology Management Research, 11(1), 19-33. doi:10.1016/S1047- 8310(00)00019-5 We come to the instruction of AMT’s and how their benefits improved our workload and consumer satisfaction. This article shows the specific studies in how AMT’s were tested and outweighed the beneficial manufacturing firms in all over the world. The flexibility and higher efficiency claims from them outsourced many operational downfalls to provide advantage across the marketplace. Cho, K. (1993). Manufacturing Technology in Korea. Journal of Manufacturing Systems, 12(3), 216-222. doi:10.1016/0278-6125(93)90331-M Set across this article we have a different perspective having most of us live in the United States. With 32 set studies across this article it has been set that they have had an establishment of implementing local manufacturers across the nation with the support of education al programs in technology and engineering. A different set perspective against the U.S. showing us how other countries had a different goal with maintaining manufacturing technology. Anonymous. (2011, ). TECHNOLOGY MANUFACTURING HEALTH CARE. Daily Herald (Arlington Heights, IL) This article was interesting to me to see the perspective of how manufacturing technology affected the health care industry. With 2 new hospitals opening up in other countries, hospitals have set out ads over the radio and television to help drivers understand the dangers of texting while driving and the rising amount of drivers ending up in the hospital from being distracted behind the wheel. I did enjoy reading this because I do commute 80 miles a day to work on the highway and easily see how much people are distracted behind the wheel. I wouldn’t know this new advancement in technology has caused such an uprise in car accidents, enough to open new hospitals around the world.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Reflective paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 7
Reflective paper - Essay Example I proceeded onto Payco America under external consulting roles for 12 years, training, customer service roles and receivable operations in healthcare, as the first female Vice President of ops. I then decided to go to Marquette’s Law School. In Aurora, I assumed a number of roles: receivables, billing, business office, compliance after MUL graduation, VP operations and worked finally as a chief of staff. My current role is working with PMs, tools and methodologies of PMs, as the Chief Integration officer for outsourcing and technology division, which supports the management cycle of revenue in the sector of the healthcare (Shapiro et al, 2006). My story is to share a process measurement strategy that Aurora used in activating its strategic plan, including the method of the effort, management of the spawned projects and outcome measurement. This will encompass the purpose and intent of the process, including the annual flow of the effort and actual work effort of a team. The process’ purpose was to create discipline around the execution and selection of the organization’s tactics that achieve target plans for patient satisfaction, employee satisfaction, quality, financial performance and growth (Shapiro et al, 2006). The process was disciplined, structured, replicable and facilitated. From the lessons we learnt, play books are completed by leader-led teams with program accountability. They take 75-90 days to be developed: including: planning, vetting/ approval, funding, and building individual actions, and culminates in a semi-annual event. This effort takes leaders, and if done well, it is part of an â€Å"e vent†, and commissions a commitment. Playbook creation involved: the overarching charter which described the team’s game plan, the timeline which demonstrated the launch and duration of each individual initiative, outcome
Poems and Feelings Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Poems and Feelings - Essay Example A man can spend whole life among such hills and can never exhaust from them but every time he finds these scenes much more beautiful than before. The poet in the last line says: This point of view really collapses with my view because nature is the thing which God has filled with love and affection. The poem develops the feelings of love and admiration towards nature and the beauties it has created for us. Having read this poem â€Å"Lost sister†I realized the importance of moral values, culture and tradition. Here the poet describes two types of women. Both are brought up in same culture but one of them chooses her life to spend in her native culture but the second chooses American disrupt culture. In my opinion the well cultured and traditional women desire more respect and honor than the one who is running in the social race of life with man because cultural lady can be seen but cannot be heard. On the other hand, the other women prefer freedom over respect. This poem enhances my inclination towards the traditional and cultural ladies, who spend their whole lives for the sake of family. In the poem invisible mending, the poetess describes about three old ladies. She exclaimed that they always remained busy in their work, in spite of being so much old. Their hands become hard, eyes become keen but they still work hard untiringly. According to the poetess: This poem has increased the regard in my heart for old people to whom we do not give so much attention but actually they are experienced and learned people and can transfer all such knowledge of life in our personalities. This poem also develops my self esteem and courage to achieve my goals through hard work regardless of the difficulties. As I read the poem â€Å"A Blessing†written by James Wright, I feel that God perfects the nature by its creature. According to me love is gifted by nature and it is embedded in human heart. It is the love that penetrates into the
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
DISASTER PREPARATION Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
DISASTER PREPARATION - Research Paper Example If there are risk factors that could result into their own illness, that of their family members as well as those that they come into contact with. In the event of violence, they are encouraged to think about the available security services that are available at the scene of the disaster and this ensures their own safety and that of their patients. RNs have the responsibility to act ethically if the victims that they are helping out are members of their family or friends (American Nurses Association, 2010). However, RNs are advised to put their patients’ needs first at all times and this ensures that they act ethically at all times. Nurses have the duty to act according to the code of conduct governing the practice and this facilitates efficiency while handling disasters. Volunteering in a community wide disaster can be challenging for RNs in various ways. This is caused by various aspects that are present in a community-wide setting. First, volunteers are called upon to ensure the safety of their patients first. This means that they are forced to put their lives at risk. In relation to this point, volunteers put their lives at risk, those of their family members and those that they touch or talk to. This is owing to the fact that they might get an infection while volunteering and are in a position where they can transmit it to other members of the society. Secondly, ethical issues arise when helping out in community-wide disasters because these volunteers are likely to come into contact with friends and family (American Nurses Association, 2010). They may be tempted to help out their family first and this goes against the code of conduct governing their practice. This explains the reason as to why volunteers should be highly cautious in this situati on. The other challenge that I will be likely to face in community-wide disasters is the likelihood to face legal problems. This is because some of the members of the community recognize me and therefore
Monday, August 26, 2019
Personal statement(Business Economics Msc) Why do you want to study Statement
(Business Economics Msc) Why do you want to study this course and how will it help you in your future aspirations - Personal Statement Example I have always had a passion in the world of business and economics, and that is the reason I follow economic issues through the media. Every day that passes, we are all exposed to a lot of financial information from different sources such as mass media and the Internet. The information presented in these sources only represents a section of issues that make up the economy. Economic information seems hard and vague to be understood by persons without advanced education in economics. It is critical to understand economic issues in order to make wise decisions in life and the world of business. I consider that Economics will help me develop an understanding of what is becoming a single global market. I firmly believe that my knowledge in Economics must be enhanced by enrolling in a master program in order to adapt quickly in this area of learning. When one understands how the economy works, one will be in a position to make investment decisions and teach other people about the same. With this in mind, the significance of economy in people’s lives has compelled me to believe that having a masters degree in Business Economics would be valuable for my future career and decision- making. I think a Masters in Business Economics will challenge me to understand how significant the economy of a nation can be, and how it can recover from the chaotic situation it encounters today. A learned person in Economics can identify the issues that affect the economy and help to fix them in a timely manner. A Master in Business Economics is an ideal program for my ambitions because of the steps I want to make in my career. The program will help me build on my skills and knowledge that will appeal to employers. A Master in Business Economics will help me gain very marketable knowledge to help the economy of my country. The knowledge gained after pursuing this program will be critical in helping business
Sunday, August 25, 2019
The Role of Integrity in Criminal Justice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Role of Integrity in Criminal Justice - Essay Example Most people will never be involved directly or indirectly with district attorneys, judges or probation officers. Police officers are therefore the â€Å"face†of the criminal justice system for most people. Integrity in their actions is necessary so that the credibility of the criminal justice system in America can be maintained (Klockars, 2006). Corruption, cronyism and a lack of integrity plague police forces around the world. In some countries, the last person you want to interact with is a police officer because any interaction will include threats of imprisonment or the solicitation of bribes. Police officers are charged to do the right thing according to duty. Everyone working in a professional capacity within the criminal justice system needs to uphold their duty in an ethical manner, but police officers have a special responsibility to do this. The enforcement of laws needs to happen in a manner that is fair and unbiased. Any lapse in integrity makes this impossible. A breach in integrity creates an inherently unjust situation. Police officers are often forced to make difficult decisions. Acting with integrity is a sure guide when the time comes for making hard choices. A lack of integrity for a police officer can be manifest in many ways. One way is through a biased application or enforcement of the law. Holding different groups within the community more accountable for breaking laws than other groups is unethical and lacks integrity. These divisions can be made along the lines of race, gender, sexual orientation, income level and age. Police officers need to keep in mind that proper enforcement of the law can not be dictated by membership in a certain group. When laws are enforced this way, integrity is lacking. Another profound breach of integrity police officers may be involved in is through the taking of bribes or hush money. While this is the norm in some
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Quench as World Leading Soft Drinks Brand Case Study
Quench as World Leading Soft Drinks Brand - Case Study Example According to the paper, Quench’s market position was particularly threatened by the media identifying their product as one of those with excessive levels of sugar. Given their customer base’s preference for healthy products, coupled to the focus on obesity as an urgent global health issue, Quench’s turnover has declined sharply and the company now faces an uncertain future. In this paper, solutions to the current problems faced by Quench will be identified and expert recommendation on how to regain lost market share given to Quench’s board of directors. The first alternative solution for Quench focuses on the company increasing their promotional and marketing strategies, specifically in consumer segments that are untapped. Quench could capitalize on their brand image within the sector, such as their good business practices and environmental initiatives and promote these to the consumers. By promoting their positive social and environmental initiatives, the y could gain an advantage with consumers who may dismiss Quench as another corporate entity out for profits. Rotfeld identifies comfort, simplicity, local sourcing, and going green as the food and beverage trend of 2013, which are aspects that Quench may use to advertise their environmental initiatives, in turn enticing consumers who are eco-conscious. With regards to comfort and simplicity trends, consumers are seeking to return to normalcy after the recent recession, as well as to resume pre-recession consumption habits. Quench could take advantage by re-energizing their brand and marketing its achievements in the social and environmental arena. However, this strategy has several limitations for Quench, including the magnitude of controversy around the company regarding unhealthy ingredients that may not be undone through promotion of its good deeds.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Field Notes and Reports Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Field Notes and Reports - Essay Example Criminal investigation is the way of finding out, assembling, organizing, classifying and presenting evidence to establish what occurred and the person involved with the crime. Criminal investigation is a useful process, and it uses subtractive explanation, a reasonable procedure in which the ending follows from certain details. An investigator proves that the suspect is guilty of a crime through a certain aspect of the evidence (Lyman, 2013). There exist three main scientific methods in which a criminal can be identified, they include; Dactylography: is the study of fingerprints as a way of identifying an individual. Dactylography is regarded as a dependable way of recognizing an individual because the fingers’ and hands’ papillar lines are unique (Lyman, 2013). DNA: Forensic scientists can utilize DNA contained in the semen, blood, skin, saliva or hair found at the scene of a crime to recognize an identical DNA of a suspect. The FBI was the initial public sector crime laboratory in the United States to allow cases for DNA scrutiny. Uniformed and plainclothes officers play different roles in the criminal investigation as people rely on them to safeguard their lives and property. Various police officers focus in various fields such as chemical and microscopic scrutiny, guiding and firearms lessons, or handwriting and fingerprint recognition. Some work in various departments such as Special units and special weapons and tactics also known as SWAT (Lyman, 2013). It reviews and estimates the related features of an offense committed by diverse criminals. The inductive reasoning is founded on the hypothetical and investigational study of the criminal behavior. Inductive reasoning does not require expert forensic acquaintance, education or guidance in the criminal behavior study (Becker, & Dutelle, 2013). Deductive reasoning requires acquaintance and application of psychology, sociology, criminology and psychiatry. In deductive reasoning an
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Bayfield Mud Analysis Essay Example for Free
Bayfield Mud Analysis Essay The Bayfield Mud Company has had some problems with their 50-pound bags of treating agents. They sent shipped some bags to Wet-Land Drilling, Inc. that were found to be short-weight by approximately 5%. Wet-Land first did their own study on how many bags were short and by how much. They randomly sampled 50 bags and found the average net weight to be 47.51 pounds. Wet-Land then contacted Bayfield Mud about the situation. Bayfield gave a 5% credit to Wet-Land for the mistakes. Wet-Land was not completely satisfied with the credit because the errors in the weight of the bags could have hurt their operations. Wet-Land informed Bayfield Mud that if something like this happened again, they would take their business elsewhere. Bayfields response to all this was to expand from a one-shift to a two-shift operation. Then, they had to expand to a three-shift operation. The additional night-shift bagging crew consisted of all new employees. The most emphasis was placed on increasing output. It was very likely that only occasionally were bags double checked on their weight. This is where the statistical control has come into place. The problems that Bayfield Mud faces include the possibility of losing a customer in Wet-Land, Inc. Another problem is putting out a product that is not acceptable. This problem could lead to more than just the loss of one customer, but perhaps an even greater amount. Based on the information given in the following charts and numbers, especially the control chart, it is obvious that the bag problem is out of control. Out of the 72 times that samples were taken, 14 were out of control. That is unacceptable for a company who intends on satisfying the customer and maintaining business. Something must be done in this company to correct the problem that has arisen. Some recommendations that I have would be to focus more on the quality rather than the quantity. The managers are so intent on getting the most products, that they are willing to sacrifice the quality. It may be time to have a meeting with all managers to reemphasize that the focus should be on the quality. If the people in the upper positions do not care about the product, only that they produce a lot of it, then it may be time to think about hiring some employees in those positions that will focus on quality. A recommendation that is not as severe would be to take the time to weigh more, if not every, bag. The company needs to ensure that the bag really does weigh 50 pounds. If they are going to offer a 50 pound product, then make it 50 pounds. It seems that the times that most of the bags are less than 50 pounds are around the nighttime shifts. Also, the times that it seems more bags are over 50 pounds are during the daytime shifts. They need to develop a system to ensure the accuracy of weighing the bags. Whatever they would implement would have to increase quality, while not hurting the output numbers. There is a large demand for their product, so they must be able to meet the demand. Bayfield Mud Company has a lot of improving to do. After looking at the charts and numbers on the following pages it is obvious that something needs to be done. For the samples to be that out of control is very unacceptable. Perhaps Bayfield needs to change their strategy or even do an entire makeover of their management team. Obviously something needs to be done to ensure the success of Bayfield Mud Company.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Retail Book Industry in Nz Essay Example for Free
Retail Book Industry in Nz Essay The aim of this report is to analyse and outline the business perspectives for opening a new independent book store in the Auckland region. The report analyses the current book retail industry and specifically discusses a new book shop’s viability highlighting the internal and external risks and opportunities as well as strengths and shortcomings. To assess the book retail competitive environment elements of SWOT and Porters’ Five Forces analysis tools were utilised (Needle, 2000). The major strengths of a new book shop which could be turned into a competitive advantage are the independency and local governance, relationship with publishers and closeness to customers. The major threats to and weaknesses of the new venture are attributable to low bargaining power with publishers (Needle, 2000), to lack of resources, and high market competition. The report’s conclusion is that anyone intending to enter the book retail market by opening a new store is advised to be mindful of the industry’s risks and challenges in order to mitigate those on the one hand, and to fully capitalise on the opportunities offered by the industry by turning its strengths to a competitive advantage, on the other hand. Table of Contents Executive Summary2 Table of Contents3 1. Introduction4 2. Discussion5 2. 1 Competitive Environment5 2. 1. 1 Whitcoulls Group5 2. 1. 2 Paper Plus6 2. 1. 3 Dymocks8 2. 1. 4 Independent Booksellers9 2. 2 Risk Assessment11 2. 2. 1 Low Bargaining Power with Publishers11 2. 2. 2 Lack of Resources12 2. 2. 3 Market Competition13 2. 3 Opportunities14 2. 3. 1 Independency and local governance14 2. 3. 2 Closeness to Publishers and Customers15 3. Conclusion17 References18 1. Introduction The given report is commissioned by Susan and Michael Clarke to be completed by 27 August 2009. The report’s main objective is to provide an independent analysis of the book retail industry including potential risks and opportunities of opening a new independent book store in the Auckland area. In order to assess the current business environment, the market competitiveness in which a new proposed book store would be operating is analysed including such main industry players as Whitcoulls, Dymocks and Paper Plus on the one hand, and a number of independent book stores on the other hand. Elements of the Porter’s Five Forces’ (Needle, 2000) were incorporated to analyse the competitive environment of the book retail industry. The findings from the analysis of the competitive environment were then utilised to identify and analyse strengths and weaknesses of as well as opportunities and threats for the proposed new independent book store (Samson Daft, 2005). 2. Discussion Bookselling is a big industry in New Zealand. According to (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008), starting from 2007 the annual books spending in New Zealand has not gone below $1 billion. Books have always been perceived as a lucrative retail business due to high margins[1] and book value that has not changed much over time (â€Å"Big boys’ books†, 2009). 2. 1 Competitive Environment There are two main groups operating in the New Zealand book retail market being chain retailers and independent stores. Historically, the book retail market has always been dominated by a few book retail chains occupying almost 90% of the book retail market, leaving the local independent book stores with no more than 10% of market share (â€Å"Whitcoulls, Paper Plus proceeding†, 2007). The main book retail chains operating in New Zealand are Whitcoulls, Paper Plus and Dymocks. 2. 1. 1 Whitcoulls Group The AR Whitcoulls Group (Whitcoulls Group) is the largest retail chain in New Zealand presented by the Whitcoulls, Borders and Bennetts Tertiary stores (â€Å"Whitcoulls finally picks†, 2007). The group is also internationally operating in Australia and Singapore with more than 130 Angus Robertson and Borders stores (â€Å"Big boys’ books†, 2009). After acquiring the Australasian and New Zealand businesses of the second-largest United States bookstore chain Borders[2] (â€Å"Whitcoulls Borders bid cleared†, 2009) in 2008 the Whitcoulls Group obtained access to a high demographic serious books market niche (â€Å"Whitcoulls widens†, 2008). As a result, the Whitcoulls Group operates 90 stores across New Zealand (â€Å"Whitcoulls finally picks†, 2007) accounting for up to 45% of the book retail market (â€Å"Whitcoulls widens†, 2008). Further to the existing dominance in all the CBD areas, Whitcoulls is planning to expand into small-town areas starting from Te Awamutu, Richmond and Ashburton (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008). The recent recession prompted the group to seek cost cuts by merging its Australasian retail operations’ support offices into one division located in Australia (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). The group is also looking into opening the online selling operations in August (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008). 2. 1. 2 Paper Plus The Paper Plus chain being fully New Zealand-owned is the second-largest book retailer in New Zealand (â€Å"New look†, 2008). The company operates as a franchise system and has been around for more than 25 years (â€Å"New look†, 2008). Historically Paper Plus has been a strong player in a stationary business[3] whereas its role in bookselling was not taken seriously by the industry[4]. This is one of the reasons why Paper Plus is currently outperformed by Whitcoulls when it comes to bookselling (â€Å"New look†, 2008). However, Paper Plus has recently become an aggressive player in the book retail market announcing an ambitious goal to become number one book retailer in New Zealand[5]. Paper Plus has recently refitted all their 105 stores as booklovers destinations (â€Å"Big boys’ books†, 2009) aimed at improving store layout and putting more emphasis on books (â€Å"New look†, 2008). In the meantime, the television and radio celebrity Kerre Woodham was signed up as a frontwoman to do book reviews by hosting the â€Å"books and bubbles†events (â€Å"New look†, 2008). The company’s marketing position is further strengthened by participating in the Fly Buys programme and the agreement with New Zealand Post to host Post Shop and Kiwibank services in Paper Plus stores (â€Å"New look†, 2008). As a result, the company manages to gain a competitive edge by not only targeting the niche of traditional booklovers but also those people who do not have a clear intention to buy books but visit the shops for Post Shop or Kiwibank services. On the management side, Paper Plus has promoted a strong support policy to its franchise stores including effective training by the local support office[6]. In the meantime, Paper Plus has been focusing on the relationship with local publishers as well as has considerably increased spending on advertising raising customer awareness about its products[7]. This all has enabled the company to enter the recession with a very strong financial and marketing position. 2. 1. 3 Dymocks Dymocks is Australian-owned and has been around for over 130 years opening its first store in Auckland in 1994 (www. dymocks. co. nz). Dymocks operates as a franchise system running more than 80 stores in Oceania including six New Zealand stores located in the North Island (www. dymocks. co. nz). Dymocks has been operating with the â€Å"love of books†concept having a reputation as a serious bookseller only without expending their product range to stationary, music and movies (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). The company offers their customers more of a contemporary bookbuying experience through the â€Å"Booklover†Rewards Programme (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). The company focuses on the New Zealand books being historically in the top 10 sellers. Dymocks have been experiencing a sustainable growth opening four new stores over two last years with further plans to expand into the South Island (www. dymocks. co. nz). However, the recession has almost reversed this growth as Dymocks had to close three stores in two months: two in Auckland and one in Wellington[8]. The main causes for these closures were very high rents, bad locations, no street frontage or through traffic and high competition from Borders (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). In addition to this Dymocks had to resort to centralise administration in Australia by closing its New Zealand support office. As such, out of the three main book retail chains, Dymocks has been weakened by the recession the most and is more concerned with a struggle to retain its existing six stores. 2. 1. 4 Independent Booksellers In contrast to the recession-linked problems faced by the book chains the independent booksellers[9] do not seem to suffer any recession at all (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). Despite some loss of customers choosing to go to library instead of buying books, the recent recession helped books products gain a momentum in the gift market[10]. The books’ popularity and affordability merits attribute to the people’s preference of a good book or dictionary gift over a $300 vase or duvet blanket (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008). According to an industry expert[11] it is because the book chains have not been putting sufficient effort and resources into the customer relationship side, while independent stores have managed to develop a very loyal customer base by their excellent customer service, professionalism and personal approach (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). As such, the independent book stores see the recession times as a good opportunity to pull new customers from the book chains which due to their large size and lack of knowledgeable staff cannot compete with independent stores on the professional advice, recommendation and customer service sides (â€Å"Boutique booksellers†, 2009). The competitiveness of the book retail market is further strained by online booksellers, which have experienced a considerable growth over the last few years in some cases almost doubling their sales each year[12]. Taking into consideration the competitive environment analysis above, the book retail market can be defined as highly competitive. Whitcoulls, Paper Plus and Dymocks were found to be the main competitors due to their market dominance on the one hand, and high bargaining power with book publishers on the other hand (Needle, 2000). 2. 2 Risk Assessment Taking into consideration the above analysis of the book retail industry’s competitive environment the following could be identified as risks and threats for a new independent book store. 2. 2. 1 Low Bargaining Power with Publishers Upstream of the value chain (Samson Daft, 2005) a new independent shop would have a challenge to sign book publishers and authors in to obtain the rights to sell their books. The authors and publishers would likely be inclined to work with big retail chains or strong independent stores as being representative of better channels for promoting and distributing the books. Bookshops would usually compete over the right to sell quality books in order to win the customers’ preference and loyalty. The industry experience shows that it is not the large stock but rather a good book range and quality that enable a shop to be preferred by customers over its competitors (â€Å"Boutique booksellers†, 2009). Therefore, bearing in mind the tight economic conditions and high market competitiveness, a new independent shop would have a risk of not being able to obtain a competitive book range due to insufficient bargaining power with publishers (Needle, 2000). 2. 2. 2 Lack of Resources Opening a new store would require significant spending starting from hiring or buying the store to paying professional staff competitive wages. The Dymocks example with closing two Auckland stores (one of which after only a few months after opening) showed how much a store location mistake can cost to a shop regardless of its reputation, product range and popularity (Refer 2. 1). Thus, a company wishing to enter a book market would face not only the challenge of funding to open a new store but also to be able match the location trade advantages with costs. The downstream of the value chain (Samson Daft, 2005) such as advertising and promotion as well as customer relations would also require significant funding. The Paper Plus and independent book stores examples show that investing in advertising and building customer relationships are one of the most effective and powerful means to sustain and further gain market share in the current competitive environment (Refer 2. 1). The independent stores’ achievement of being able to build loyal customer base is due to having professional sales people on floor capable of providing good service along with knowledgeable advice to the customers (Refer 2. 1). Therefore, the lack of resources both material and human would be a weakness of a new shop when entering the book retail market populated with rich chain retailers and professional independent stores. 2. 2. 3 Market Competition New Zealand has a very high number of book shops per capita in comparison to other countries (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008). Thus, a new book store would be entering the market which according to some industry experts is already overpopulated[13] with such strong players as Whitcoulls, Paper Plus, Dymocks not mentioning about independent stores and online sellers experiencing a significant growth in recession (Refer 2.1). Whitcoulls has considerably improved its marketing position through acquiring the Borders operations whereas Paper Plus, being strengthened by combining its services with Post Office and Kiwi Bank, has put a comprehensive action plan in place to fight for number one bookseller in New Zealand. In the meantime, the independent shops are gaining a recession momentum to strengthen their current position by capitalising on the inability of big chains to provide competitive books range, on the one hand, and appropriate level of customer service and support, on the other hand. Taking into consideration the above facts, the book market could be classified as mature where there is no unoccupied market niche (Samson Daft, 2005) left for a new book store to capitalise on. As a result, for a new store to become successful it will literally mean fighting for other shops’ customers. The implication for a new book store is that it will be very hard to compete with the current industry players that have a very high customer loyalty and market reputation for providing exceptional customer service on the one hand and significant resources, aggressive advertising and market dominance, on the other hand. 2. 3 Opportunities This section discusses the main strengths of and opportunities for a new book store in the current business environment. 2. 3. 1 Independency and local governance The centralisation of the stores support and governance is a common move for many in pursuit of cutting costs. However, experience shows that under the current level of competition store problems are timelier and more effectively resolved if there is local governance in place (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). The main competitors of the proposed book store are strategically and operationally managed from overseas[14] making these shops quite inflexible and not quick enough to react to market changes as someone in Australia decides how many copies of a particular New Zealand book the stores should stock. In the meantime, the independent book stores have not felt the recession and are thereby able to respond quicker and serve customers’ needs better by preferring to have better books range over larger stock of out of date books (â€Å"Boutique booksellers†, 2009). Therefore, the independency of a new shop would put the company in a better position in regards to timely reacting to industry changes and thereby avoiding unnecessary losses usually resulted from poor decisions made. 2. 3. 2 Closeness to Publishers and Customers Independent governance makes a proposed new book store closer to local publishers and customers. The New Zealand Book Publishers Association consisting of 95 local publishers is not satisfied with the current â€Å"super market†store running model used by the chains[15]. The main disadvantages are: the decreased books range printed as bulk purchases are made at cost of the books diversity[16], the chains often abuse their bargaining power with publishers[17] and the central display system with ineffective books categorisation[18] (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). As such, the New Zealand publishers are naturally more inclined to work with small independent stores who will have less bargaining power but more flexibility of buying and distributing books. On the other side of the value chain, a new store would have an opportunity to capitalise on the chains’ clumsiness and lack of personal touch when dealing with customers. The main lesson learnt from chains’ struggle in the current recession is that customer satisfaction and loyalty could on its own determine the book retailer’s commercial future. Independent stores, in turn, have put a particular emphasis in implementing effective customer loyalty programs and achieving loyal customer base. Therefore, despite the high market competition, there is a good opportunity for a new book store to win the book chains’ customers by offering better books range, more professional service and personal approach. 3. Conclusion Taking into account the above analysis, the opening of a new independent book store can be classified as a â€Å"Question†according to the BCG strategic tool (Samson Daft, 2005). On the one hand, the independence, local governance, good relationships with publishers and closeness to customers could enable a new book store to become a successful venture, thereby shifting to the â€Å"Star†BCG section distinguished by quick growth and expansion. On the other hand, if the new venture has not managed to establish a strong market presence by providing sufficient funding, professional staff and developing effective strategic relationships with publishers, entering the current highly competitive book retail market could result in a commercial failure. The book retail market can be classified as very mature and highly competitive. As such, it would be quite challenging for a new independent book store with limited resources, on the one hand, and the low bargaining power with the publishers, on the other hand, to compete with the book retail chains as well as with a number of other well established independent bookshops and online booksellers in the Auckland region. In the meantime, the fact that a new book store is going to be independent and locally run provides a competitive advantage of knowing its publishers and customers better and, thereby reacting to industry changes quicker and more effectively. The final success of the new proposed book store would be mostly dependent on its ability to cope with high market competitiveness and mitigating its weaknesses on the one hand and capitalising on its strengths and opportunities currently present in the book industry. References Needle, D. (2000). Business in context: An introduction to business and its environment (3ed. ). London: Thomson Learning. Samson, D and Daft, R. (2005). Management, 2nd Pacific rim edition. Australia: Thomson Learning. Big boys books. (2009, January 1), The Press, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. stuff. Booksellers ready to write new chapter. (2008, July 14), The New Zealand Herald, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. nzherald. co. nz/business/news/article. cfm? c_id=3objectid=10521367 Boutique booksellers boom. (2009, August 13), The Dominion Post, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. stuff. co. nz/dominion-post/wellington/2743304/ Dymocks’ official website. www. dymocks. co. nz. How the book trade is turning a page. (2009, June 13), The New Zealand Herald, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. nzherald. co. nz. ezproxy. auckland. ac. nz/business/news/article. cfm?cid=3objectid=10578175pnum=2 New look for friendly book chain. (2008, June 21), The Dominion Post, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. stuff. co. nz/business/497996 Whitcoulls Borders bid cleared. (2009, January 1), NZPA, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. stuff. co. nz/business/130168 Whitcoulls finally picks up NZ Borders stores. (2007, June 07). The New Zealand Herald, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. nzherald. co. nz/business/news/article. cfm? c_id=3objectid=10514932 Whitcoulls, Paper Plus proceeding by the book in Borders buy-out. (2007, November 22), The New Zealand Herald, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www.nzherald. co. nz/shopping/news/article. cfm? c_id=318objectid=10477609 Whitcoulls widens its Borders in $137m deal. (2008, July 7), The Dominion Post, Retrieved August 15, 2009 from www. stuff. co. nz/business/477324 [1] According to industry experts books margins vary from 40% to 50% out of total price (â€Å"Whitcoulls, Paper Plus proceeding†, 2007). [2]The group AR Whitcoulls group acquired 30 Borders stores as well as exclusive rights to the Borders trademark in New Zealand, Australia and Singapore worth $NZD137 million (â€Å"Whitcoulls finally picks†, 2007). The New Zealand Borders operation acquired included five stores: three in Auckland and one in each Christchurch and Wellington (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [3] The recent achievement of Paper Plus is being recognised as the top seller of greeting cards (â€Å"New look†, 2008). [4] Historically only six out of 105 Paper Plus stores were positioned as serious booksellers (â€Å"New look†, 2008). [5] The company’s growth strategy is supported by the strong financial position improved from the loss of $401,000 in 2007 to profit of $748,000 in 2008 (â€Å"New look†, 2008). [6] Paper Plus has purchased a new 500 square metre store in Aucklands Sylvia Park to be used for training the franchisees how to implement an effective store layout and design to boost books sales (â€Å"New look†, 2008). [7] Whitcoulls admitted in the past that their loss of market share was directly caused by Paper Plus increasing its advertising spending (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [8] The Auckland Smales Farm franchise store and the company-owned Queen Street store went into liquidation in May and June 2009 and Wellington Lambton Quay shop closed in May 2009 (â€Å"How the book trade†, 20). [9] The most popular independent book stores include Unity Books (Auckland and Wellington), Scorpio (Christchurch) in Christchurch, Vic Books (Wellington), Dear Reader (Auckland), The Booklover (Auckland) and of Cambridges Wrights Bookshop (Auckland) (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [10] According to the owners of ‘The Childrens Bookshop’, a book shop in Kilbirnie, last year the store has experienced a 12% increase in revenue mainly driven by the parents preferring books for gift for their children (â€Å"Boutique booksellers†, 2009). [11] Tom Beran owning independent stores in Grey Lynn (Dear Reader) and Takapuna (The Booklover) (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). [12] For example, the New Zealand online seller www. fishpond. co. nz starting in 2004 expanded to Australia in 2006 and in 2007 was recognised in the Deloitte/Unlimited Fast 50 list noting the fastest-growing companies (â€Å"How the book trade†, 2009). [13] According to Dymocks CEO, Don Grover the New Zealand bookselling market is already over-supplied (â€Å"Booksellers ready†, 2008). [14] Among the book retail chains occupying 90% of the market only Paper Plus is locally supported, whereas Whitcoulls and Dymocks are both owned and governed by Australian companies (â€Å"Big boys’ books†, 2009). [15] That was evidently expressed in the open opposition from the Book Publishers Association of Whitcoulls’ bid to purchase Borders’ stores as they know that it will result in a decrease of the books range bought by the chain (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [16] For example, a book offered by a small publisher could be of a particular interest to smaller towns’ readers. However, a local chain store is unable to make a purchasing decision instead having to sell the books decided in the support office across the Tasman (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [17] For example, Whitcoulls is viewed by the industry as a tough negotiator with inflexible buying policies demanding from publishers at least 50% discount (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009). [18] Compared to chain stores that cannot add or change the central display system, the independent stores have much more flexibility in deciding how their stock should be grouped and displayed on the floor (â€Å"Big boys books†, 2009).
Issues in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management
Issues in Industrial Relations and Human Resource Management Xu Jinhuang Definition of Industrial Relations Industrial Relations focus on economic point of view, employees is a part of production and the legislation of employment term dominated by demand and supply economics. (Singh and Kumar, 2011). (Kelly) added that industrial relations is a process of creating rule and regulation to ensure the relationship in workplace and industry. The Singapore Industrial Relations During the 1950’s to early 1960’s Singapore face sky high unemployment rate and social unrest before gaining independence in 1965. Singapore has a well-established Industrial relation and stable labour management system it is well known that Singapore’s phenomenal economic growth after gaining independence was the result of the stable labour policy. Contribution to Economy In it economic development, Singapore government has pro-actively played a role in amending and regulating policy within the industrial. The Singapore Industrial relations act legislation started in 15th August 1968 (, 2015), to establish a clear guideline of employer’s management right and allow employees to reach their full potential while earning a better income and life. After The Industrial Relations Act has being implemented, the Employment Act was pass on next to fully provide a legal platform for employees and employers to follow and boost the labour relations, this legal act also aims to provide a steady, low cost and flexible industrial relation system to attract foreign organizations to invest in Singapore. The Employment Act preserved in regulation that wage negotiations should be based on economic growth and efficiency, rather than on unrealistic philosophies of justice (Bercuson and Carling). A tripartite industrial relations arrangement was also made with merge decision making base on entire phases of economic and social development which helped ensure in an environment of stability. (Singh and Kumar, 2011). In 1979 the PAP has implemented legal restrictions on collective bargaining, which include trade unions into the NTUC (National Trades Union Congress) and lastly consist of employers with NTUC through NWC (Nation Wage Council) which was establish in 1972 to make sure orderly wage increases and institutionalization of a flexible wage system that started in 1985 which combine wage increases to profits and productivity (TAN and BALAKRISHNAN, 2005). The NWC also made it compulsory for employer to made contribution to employees Central Provident Fund (CPF) which can be used for healthcare, retirement and house loan another Skills Development Fund (SDF) is for employees to further upgrade their skill and knowledge thru attending courses. These enhance them to become productive and updated. These measures were authorized by government for businesses to give part of their revenues to employees. The resulted in the citizens increase in their standard of living, healthcare, learning and employment rate (Rowley and Benson). (Bercuson and Carling) added that the NWC also recommended quantitative wage although it wasn’t bind in economy wide movements in typical earning is closely reflected. During 1998, the government rename Ministry of Labour to Ministry of Manpower (MOM) the objective was to create a globally competitive workforce that can achieve sustainable economic growth for it citizens, this result in Singapore being well recognized as a global developed industrialise economies. The government also used the wage reform policy and facilitate flexible Human Resource Management (Leggett, 2005). Conclusion Singapore economy is consider successful this was depended on highly developed and capable government that consistently update and amend the system and set the objective based on social and economic. Under the dominant political ruling, PAP bring a strike free and harmony industrial relations condition. Reference Kelly, D. Researching industrial relations Bibliography: Kelly, Di. Researching Industrial Relations. Leichardt, NSW: Federation Press, 1999. Print. ERESOURCES.NLB.GOV.SG Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act is enacted Singapore History, (2015).Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act is enacted Singapore History. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Feb. 2015]. SINGH, P. N. AND KUMAR, N. Employee relations management Bibliography:Singh, P. and Kumar, N. (2011).Employee relations management. New Delhi: Pearson Education South Asia. LEGGETT, C. The fourth transformation of Singapore’s industrial relations Bibliography:Leggett, C. (2005).The fourth transformation of Singapore’s industrial relations. Degree. University of South Australia. Tan, E. S. AND BALAKRISHNAN, P. Globalization and National Industrial Relations Systems: Theoretical Implications from the Singapore Case Bibliography:TAN, E. and BALAKRISHNAN, P. (2005).Globalization and National Industrial Relations Systems: Theoretical Implications from the Singapore Case. National University of Singapore Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS). Bercuson, K. and Carling, R. G. Singaporea case study in rapid development Bibliography: Bercuson, Kenneth, and Robert G Carling. SingaporeA Case Study in Rapid Development. Washington, DC: International Monetary Fund, 1995. Print. Rowley, C. and Benson, J. The management of human resources in the Asia Pacific region Bibliography: Rowley, Chris, and John Benson. The Management of Human Resources in the Asia Pacific Region. London: F. Cass, 2004. Print. Top of Form Bottom of Form Confirmation Certificate Congratulations! You have successfully completed the Library Plagiarism Quiz. Student Name: Xu Jinhuang Student Number: 13207569 Date: 30 June 2014 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT (signature)†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ HAS COMPLETED THE PLAGIARISM QUIZ Remember that the confirmation certificate is a statement by you that you understand plagiarism and know how to avoid it. If you think that you do not understand plagiarism and how to avoid it after working through this tutorial, you should confer with your module coordinator, no matter what score you have obtained on the test. Please print out this page and attach a copy of the certificate to the final page in all assignments you submit on each module as part of your programme (It is your responsibility to print the certificate, complete the information, sign it, and keep a copy of it for your records) 1
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Status of Religious Language :: Religion Philosophy Christianity Essays
In recent work on the philosophy of religion, there has been a great deal of concentration on what John Hick, in his Philosophy of Religion [Prentice Hall International Editions, 1990, Chapter 7] calls "the peculiarity of religious language". What Hick is referring to is the fact that when language is used either to describe God, or to make any kind of religious statement, it is used in ways that quickly reveal inherent difficulties of meaning. These problems have to do with the fact that while religious statements seem to have all the authority of factual statements, it is quite clearly not possible to regard them as actually being equivalently authoritative. It is not difficult to demonstrate this: a) Jesus loves Bob and Edna. Edna loves Bob. b) God has ordered me to do this. c) My parents have ordered me to stay in this evening. In the case of statements a), it would be straightforward, in all kinds of ways, to discover evidence for or against the truth of the statement that "Edna loves Bob". If one could listen to their private conversations over dinner, for example, it would not be difficult to interpret the affection of Edna for Bob and, hopefully, of Bob for Edna. If Bob were ill or unhappy, Edna's conduct towards him would demonstrate her love. We could go on with this list and, without any difficulty, lengthen it considerably in ways which, despite the theoretical possibility of our being deceived, would be generally verifiable and agreeable not only to Bob and Edna, but also to anyone else not devoutly sceptical to whom we might talk about Bob and Edna and their relationship. It would, though, surely, be rather more difficult to provide similar validation of the statement that "Jesus loves Bob and Edna", for, in attempting to do so, one would need to address such intractable questions as the following: how would we go about demonstrating either the truth or the falsity of this statement if Bob said that he did not believe it was true and Edna said that she did, who would be speaking the truth if the statement were made by a friendly neighbour, worried about Bob and Edna never attending church, on what basis might the statement be said to be veritably either true or false if Bob and Edna won a large amount of money in the national lottery, would this demonstrate that Jesus loved them The Status of Religious Language :: Religion Philosophy Christianity Essays In recent work on the philosophy of religion, there has been a great deal of concentration on what John Hick, in his Philosophy of Religion [Prentice Hall International Editions, 1990, Chapter 7] calls "the peculiarity of religious language". What Hick is referring to is the fact that when language is used either to describe God, or to make any kind of religious statement, it is used in ways that quickly reveal inherent difficulties of meaning. These problems have to do with the fact that while religious statements seem to have all the authority of factual statements, it is quite clearly not possible to regard them as actually being equivalently authoritative. It is not difficult to demonstrate this: a) Jesus loves Bob and Edna. Edna loves Bob. b) God has ordered me to do this. c) My parents have ordered me to stay in this evening. In the case of statements a), it would be straightforward, in all kinds of ways, to discover evidence for or against the truth of the statement that "Edna loves Bob". If one could listen to their private conversations over dinner, for example, it would not be difficult to interpret the affection of Edna for Bob and, hopefully, of Bob for Edna. If Bob were ill or unhappy, Edna's conduct towards him would demonstrate her love. We could go on with this list and, without any difficulty, lengthen it considerably in ways which, despite the theoretical possibility of our being deceived, would be generally verifiable and agreeable not only to Bob and Edna, but also to anyone else not devoutly sceptical to whom we might talk about Bob and Edna and their relationship. It would, though, surely, be rather more difficult to provide similar validation of the statement that "Jesus loves Bob and Edna", for, in attempting to do so, one would need to address such intractable questions as the following: how would we go about demonstrating either the truth or the falsity of this statement if Bob said that he did not believe it was true and Edna said that she did, who would be speaking the truth if the statement were made by a friendly neighbour, worried about Bob and Edna never attending church, on what basis might the statement be said to be veritably either true or false if Bob and Edna won a large amount of money in the national lottery, would this demonstrate that Jesus loved them
Monday, August 19, 2019
What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street Essay -- The House
What a Home Really is in The House on Mango Street â€Å"Home is where the heart is.†In The House on Mango Street, Sandra Cisneros develops this famous statement to depict what a â€Å"home†really represents. What is a home? Is it a house with four walls and a roof, the neighborhood of kids while growing up, or a unique Cleaver household where everything is perfect and no problems arise? According to Cisneros, we all have our own home with which we identify; however, we cannot always go back to the environment we once considered our dwelling place. The home, which is characterized by who we are, and determined by how we view ourselves, is what makes every individual unique. A home is a personality, a depiction of who we are inside and how we grow through our life experiences. In her personal, Cisneros depicts Esperanza Cordero’s coming-of-age through a series of vignettes about her family, neighborhood, and personalized dreams. Although the novel does not follow a traditional chronological pattern, a sto ry emerges, nevertheless, of Esperanza’s search to discover the meaning of her life and her personal identity. The novel begins when the Cordero family moves into a new house, the first they have ever owned, on Mango Street in the Latino section of Chicago. Esperanza is disappointed by the â€Å"small and red†house â€Å"with tight steps in front and bricks crumbling in places†(5). It is not at all the dream-house her parents had always talked about, nor is it the house on a hill that Esperanza vows to one day own for herself. Despite its location in a rough neighborhood and difficult lifestyle, Mango Street is the place with which she identifies at this time in her life. While growing up on Mango Street, Esperanza is not on... ..., â€Å"Mango says goodbye sometimes. She does not hold me with both arms. She sets me free†(134). Although Esperanza is constantly reaffirming that she wants to move away from Mango Street, we know by the end novel that she will one day return to help those who will not have the opportunities Esperanza has had in her life. Indeed, in the closing pages Esperanza admits that she cannot escape Mango Street. She can never again call it home, but it has influenced her dreams, formed her personality, and she has learned valuable life lessons from its inhabitants. That is why, explains Esperanza, she tells stories about the house on Mango Street, revealing the beauty amidst dirty streets and unveiling her true inner self, the peace of knowing that her â€Å"home is where her heart is.†WORKS CITED Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Vintage, 1989.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Mars :: essays research papers
Mars is the fourth planet from the sun at about 228 million-km (141 million miles) and the last terrestrial planet from the sun. The next five planets in order from the sun are gaseous. Mars follows closely behind Earth but is comparatively smaller, with about half the diameter of Earth and about one-tenth of Earth’s mass. Thus the force of gravity on Mars is about one-third of that on Earth. Though it is much smaller, Mars does have the same surface land area as Earth. Other than Earth, Mars posses the most highly varied and interesting known terrain in our solar system. The surface of Mars is a very hostile place however it is more like Earth’s surface than any other planet in our solar system. Much of the Martian surface is rough and cratered, but expansive flat plains and smooth hills can also be found. Unlike any other planet, there is a striking difference between the northern and southern hemispheres of Mars; one is extremely rough and old while the other is young and relatively smooth. The southern hemisphere is strewn with ancient craters of all sizes and is also elevated by a several kilometers creating a visible boundary. On the opposite end the northern hemisphere consists of a wider variety of geological features, but is obviously smoother and much younger. There are large volcanoes, a great rift valley, and a variety of channels. Volcanism is a geological process that occurs on Earth today, and has on many planetary bodies throughout the history of the solar system. No volcanism is occurring on the surface of Mars today. In the past, however, volcanism was one of the main forces creating and reshaping the surface of the planet. All of the rocks that have been observed by the Viking landers and the Mars Pathfinder Rover are generally agreed to be volcanic in origin. Tharsis is the largest volcanic region on Mars. It is approximately four thousand kilometers across, ten kilometers high, and contains twelve large volcanoes. The largest volcanoes in the Tharsis region are four sheild volcanoes named Ascraeus Mons, Pavonis Mons, Arsia Mons, and Olympus Mons. The Tharsis Montes (Ascraeus, Pavonis, Arsia) are located on the crest of the crustal bulge and their summits are about the same elevation as the summit of Olympus Mons, the largest of the Tharsis volcanoes. While not the largest of the Tharsis volcanoes, Arsis Mons has the largest caldera on Mars, having a diameter of one hundred twenty kilometers!
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Adulthood: Meaning of Life and Adult Essay
?Like most people, I had the urge to grow up quickly. Despite the constant â€Å"they grow up so fast†from relatives, it was not fast enough for me. I used to say, â€Å"I can’t wait until I grow up,†usually when I was frustrated with my mom’s strict rules. I fantasized about living a posh life, walking under the warm sun wearing designer shades with my athletic boyfriend before stopping at a restaurant and drinking expensive wines without my mom nagging me. My fantasy would abruptly end when my mom shattered my thoughts by reminding me that it was getting late and I had not yet started my homework. Sigh. Through my own experiencesâ€â€wearing excessive makeup to make myself appear older and dating older guysâ€â€and enlightenment, my views of being an adult have changed. Adulthood is something that will occur whether we are ready or not. College is a big leap that forces people into that transition from childhood to the beginning of adult life, especially if you are going to be living on campus. In college, I will have to cook and clean and care for myself. I will no longer have my mom telling me to avoid certain people, not to procrastinate and to make the right decisions. However, I will be able to keep the advice my mom has instilled in me so far, even when we are apart, although it may be hard to do so with the partying and alcohol and stress of college. Legally, being an adult could mean being 18, yet there is no way that minute that distinguishes someone from being 17 on one day and 18 the next can determine their adulthood. Being an adult comes gradually as people take responsibilities for their actions, take care of priorities and look out for themselves with limited support of others. Adulthood is not determined by age or ability to bear children or being physically developed. I know people older than 18 who have not yet obtained these traits and I’ve seen many teen moms dependent on their parents to support the baby. I will be an adult when I am able to make the right decisions determined by my morals that I have acquired over my years, when I understand the repercussions of my actions, when I am self-sufficient or accept limited help from parents or friends, and when I care not only for myself but others. The closer I get the more frightened I become. Now I’m in no rush to become an adult. I will take advantage of my mom’s guidance and housing and rules for as long as I can. I will enjoy the moment I am in and embrace my life when I am an adult. What does make you a grown-up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job? How is it that we can do those things, that we consider to be â€Å"adult†, but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown-ups, we’re certainly old enough, but we haven’t seemed to have accomplished any of those things â€Å"grown-ups†have done? For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement. There is no exact pattern of becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first step that draws the beginning of your self-improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you have to acomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult. The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and people around you, being able to take responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey everyone should make at a certain moment in order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual – mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they†¦ [continues] There is no clear determinant for determining when a person becomes an adult, Some say it’s when you turn eighteen others say it’s when you get your drivers license. One thing is for sure though to become an adult you must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult means achieving a separate identity, being able to support your self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide yourself with a house or a place to call home. Adulthood consists of many different aspects, and is not an easy part of life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Erik Erickson a Austrian psychologist defined identity as â€Å"a sense of self part from one’s family. †This means to be an adult you must become independent so that you will be provided the opportunity to learn and take responsibility for your own lives. Young adults need to know who they are in order to be self-dependent, they also need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and the values they consider to be important to them. People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an â€Å"adult†. I myself am not very sure of the full meaning of it. It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds. Many people my age think that getting out of their parents’ house is an act of maturity but how does changing your situation prove that you are an â€Å"adult†? If they run away from home it is more likely to lose themselves trying to cope alone and underprepared with the difficulties in life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Still everyone perceives the world and every thought in it through their own consciousness. Adulthood: Meaning of Life and Adult Essay ?Like most people, I had the urge to grow up quickly. Despite the constant â€Å"they grow up so fast†from relatives, it was not fast enough for me. I used to say, â€Å"I can’t wait until I grow up,†usually when I was frustrated with my mom’s strict rules. I fantasized about living a posh life, walking under the warm sun wearing designer shades with my athletic boyfriend before stopping at a restaurant and drinking expensive wines without my mom nagging me. My fantasy would abruptly end when my mom shattered my thoughts by reminding me that it was getting late and I had not yet started my homework. Sigh. Through my own experiencesâ€â€wearing excessive makeup to make myself appear older and dating older guysâ€â€and enlightenment, my views of being an adult have changed. Adulthood is something that will occur whether we are ready or not. College is a big leap that forces people into that transition from childhood to the beginning of adult life, especially if you are going to be living on campus. In college, I will have to cook and clean and care for myself. I will no longer have my mom telling me to avoid certain people, not to procrastinate and to make the right decisions. However, I will be able to keep the advice my mom has instilled in me so far, even when we are apart, although it may be hard to do so with the partying and alcohol and stress of college. Legally, being an adult could mean being 18, yet there is no way that minute that distinguishes someone from being 17 on one day and 18 the next can determine their adulthood. Being an adult comes gradually as people take responsibilities for their actions, take care of priorities and look out for themselves with limited support of others. Adulthood is not determined by age or ability to bear children or being physically developed. I know people older than 18 who have not yet obtained these traits and I’ve seen many teen moms dependent on their parents to support the baby. I will be an adult when I am able to make the right decisions determined by my morals that I have acquired over my years, when I understand the repercussions of my actions, when I am self-sufficient or accept limited help from parents or friends, and when I care not only for myself but others. The closer I get the more frightened I become. Now I’m in no rush to become an adult. I will take advantage of my mom’s guidance and housing and rules for as long as I can. I will enjoy the moment I am in and embrace my life when I am an adult. What does make you a grown-up? Is it moving out of the house? Hitting a certain age? Having a relationship? Getting a job? How is it that we can do those things, that we consider to be â€Å"adult†, but we still feel like kids? Or that we feel like grown-ups, we’re certainly old enough, but we haven’t seemed to have accomplished any of those things â€Å"grown-ups†have done? For me being an adult is a compilation of various features and components and is more or less a personal achievement. There is no exact pattern of becoming an adult as every single person has their own way of improvement. But you always have to make that first step that draws the beginning of your self-improving. There are a number of abilities I believe you have to acomplish in order to even begin to get closer to being an adult. The ability of making reasonable decisions for yourself and people around you, being able to take responsibility for your actions, able to make the most of what you have and try to improve yourself in any possible way. Becoming an adult is a journey everyone should make at a certain moment in order to become the most they can be, to grow as an individual – mentaly and spiritually. Many people find it rather difficult and they†¦ [continues] There is no clear determinant for determining when a person becomes an adult, Some say it’s when you turn eighteen others say it’s when you get your drivers license. One thing is for sure though to become an adult you must be mature and ready to take on the world. Being an adult means achieving a separate identity, being able to support your self and/or your family financially, and being able to provide yourself with a house or a place to call home. Adulthood consists of many different aspects, and is not an easy part of life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Erik Erickson a Austrian psychologist defined identity as â€Å"a sense of self part from one’s family. †This means to be an adult you must become independent so that you will be provided the opportunity to learn and take responsibility for your own lives. Young adults need to know who they are in order to be self-dependent, they also need to know their strengths and weaknesses, and the values they consider to be important to them. People never seem to quite understand the meaning of being an â€Å"adult†. I myself am not very sure of the full meaning of it. It has always seemed to me that age is irrelevant. You can be 12 and understand things better than a 30-year-old or you can be 40, have two PhD’s and still wonder if pigeons are migratory birds. Many people my age think that getting out of their parents’ house is an act of maturity but how does changing your situation prove that you are an â€Å"adult†? If they run away from home it is more likely to lose themselves trying to cope alone and underprepared with the difficulties in life. To become an adult you must achieve a separate identity. Still everyone perceives the world and every thought in it through their own consciousness.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Females and males had equal but complementary roles in traditional Aboriginal life Essay
The purpose of this report is to show that women and men shared many roles in Traditional Australian Aboriginal life. It is acknowledged that men and women were given equal and complementary roles when it came to ceremonies, hunting and gathering, raising and initiating the children, building shelter and throughout the leadership hierarchy. This is proved through evidence collected and presented in the following paragraphs. The roles of both men and women were important and neither was thought to be as more significant than the other. While men had certain roles and women had other roles, they complemented each other which made day to day life easier and more bearable for the group. There were many different types of ceremonies performed by the Australian Aboriginals. Some ceremonies performed were initiation ceremonies, funeral ceremonies, cleansing ceremonies and ceremonies to great other tribes or groups of Australian aboriginals onto their land. During initiation ceremonies, young boys and girls begin the journey to become a man or woman. They are often taken away from the group and left in the bush to be shown and taught by the elders. The elders will pass on the laws relating to their country, spiritual belief and the role and obligations they have within the tribe. [1] This ceremony is performed by both men and women and each role they play complements the other. While men look after the young boys and women look after the young girls, without their roles complementing each other, neither group would be able to co-exist. In funeral ceremonies, both men and women elders would smoke out a house where a person may have died. This is to rid their community of the potential of the deceased’s bad spirits coming back. They also find the last place the deceased person was and smoke it for the same reason. [2] During this ceremony, they would often cut open their own flesh to show their pain and sorrow because one of them had passed. They sung and danced to ensure the deceased’s spirit had left to return to its birth place where it was to be reborn into the world. [3]Without both the men and women complementing each other throughout this ceremony, they would not be able to be performed. Aboriginal people believe that when a person dies, their spirit goes back to the Dreaming Ancestors in the land. This is only possible if certain ceremonies and rituals are performed. They used dances and special songs in times of death or mourning periods. It is also thought that when a person dies they are one with the land again, so often, the aboriginal group will vacate the area that a group member died. It is unsure whether this is out of respect or out of fear that the spirit will return and haunt them. They will return to the place sometime within a year and bury the bones of their dead group member. All other ceremonies that are performed by the Australian Aboriginals were able to be performed by both male and female members of the group. Some also include other groups or tribes. It is known that the Australian Aboriginals were avid hunters. They had a very deep knowledge of their land and believe they were born of it. They also had great knowledge of water sources and seasonal changes which affect the type of food readily available to them. They were knowledgeable about certain foods which were poisonous to them and knew when and how to avoid them should they ever come across these foods. Both males and females made different but complementary contributions when it came to hunting and gathering. The roles of both men and women were complementary in that they worked together to gather food to prepare a meal. Women gathered things such as vegetables, eggs, honey, roots, fruit, and small reptiles such as snakes and goannas. Mostly, the men hunted larger animals such as emus and kangaroos as well as birds. [4] The preparing of such foods was done by both the men and women. It is believed that women were the main carers of young children in traditional Australian Aboriginal society. However, during initiation, the men took over the role of caring for the young boy so they could be taught the laws of the land. When a young boy was roughly six years of age, he would go and join the male adults to learn about hunting and food gathering while the young girls would remain with the women to learn about different things such as child bearing, child rearing and food gathering [5] Because of a combination of nomadic lifestyle and the regions sunny climate, aboriginal people believed there was no need to build shelters or dwellings. The shelter that was used in permanent camps consisted in a frame made from saplings, or straight branches, covered with materials that were available locally such as leafy branches or sheets of bark. In some areas the covering of the shelter was sheets of soft paperbark, which were pulled down from trees. In other areas they used bushes and leafy branches instead because the bark was not available. Australia has such a mild climate, most of the time, they would sleep in the open, and warmth was often provided by a fire or two. They would sometimes be accompanied by a dingo or camp dog, which would also provide warmth to the man or women who it slept beside. During the wetter and colder seasons, they sometimes used closed dome-shaped shelters which were made with a frame of different sized sticks bent over, which joined in the middle to make the dome shape. They were not very big, standing between one and two metres tall. The frame for these was covered with whatever materials that could be found locally such as sheets of bark, layers of soft grass and leaves. [6] Both men and women would collect and assemble the shelters used as well as the campfire. Sometimes they had daytime fires which needed protection from the wind, so they used bushes and branches as a windbreak. Women would gather the leafy branches and bark that is needed to make the roof while the men would gather the saplings and/or the straight branches used to make the frame. Another form of shelter used when available was small or shallow caves that were often hidden behind rocks or bushes. These provided natural shelter for the nomadic Australian Aboriginals. [7] Both men and women had various roles when it comes to leadership in the Aboriginal culture. Both genders would contribute in leading ceremonies, tribal or group meetings and hunting parties. Although it is often shown that men have the main role of being an elder, women also were elders. Elders were leaders of the group who shared knowledge of the laws surrounding the land and how each member of the group intertwines with another. Elders are valuable members of each aboriginal tribe or group as they bring the wealth of knowledge and pass it down generation to generation. While male elders bring knowledge of hunting bigger animals, laws of the land and initiation, female elders bring knowledge of child irth, food gathering and child rearing. The knowledge used by both male and female members of the group helps them to become one with the land. In conclusion, in Traditional Australian Aboriginal life men and women were proven to share roles and complement each other through various ways. Through raising children, hunting and gathering, ceremonies and in leadership they comple ment each others roles so that the tribe or group can exist harmoniously. While men seem to have the main role throughout the Australian Aboriginal culture, it has now been proven that without the complementary role of women, the group would not continue to coexist.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Albania and EU integration Essay
To provide a basic idea for Albanian economy and its European integration possibilities. 2. To provide knowledge about advantages and disadvantages that Albania faces in different sectors of economy. 3. To provide knowledge about Albanian ability to take the obligation of membership. 4. To provide knowledge about systematic and unsystematic risk for Albanian European integration. Methodology 1. Research problem Is Albania in line with EU expectations? Which are the abilities of Albania to maintain the obligation of membership? Basic objective is to examine, firstly economic development of Albania based on the collected data from 2002 – 2012, than to verify if they are in line with EU criteria. 2. Expectations Since Albania is determined in its decision to join European Union and to be part of Economic integration, it has made a progress in reforming institutions, in legislation, and the most important the assignment of SSA (Stabilization and association process). But the progress is very slow and insufficient. The cause of this polarization remains on political culture of the country which historically has not faced any experience of democracy. So expectations are not very positive. On a long term basis only new socialized and democratic generation can truly execute fundamental reforms needed to be part of European Economic Integration. Data Collections 1. Primary data: World Bank reports and Instat. 2. Secondary data: Journal websites and financial news papers. European Union Integration – The impact in Albanian Economy The aim of this project is to demonstrate how much the economic development in Albania is in line with European Union? In the first section will be analyzed, Relations between Albania and EU. Over all now Albania is part of Stabilization and Association process, in regular political and economical dialogue with EU. Last decade we can say that our country have faced some changes on our politic system and economic one, through three main factors, visa liberalization, financial assistance and civil society. How we realize these challenges? Did these three factors affect positively our economy; since we are one of the main countries that were not affected by world crises and how? In the second section will analyze economic criteria by examining development of economy in Albania. The examination includes different areas of economy? The existence of a good function of market economy: This includes the main essentials’ of economic policy where the primary objective is the protection of a market oriented economy. Here we can mention that Albania has a visible progress starting from year 2007 when we signed CEFTA agreement. Macroeconomic Stability: Over all Albania has preserved the macroeconomic stability, because it was less affected by external economic conditions. Monetary policy of Albania has help to keep stable inflation and control inflationary expectations. Public debt is over limited and essential reforms are still missing. Interactions of market forces: According to the official data, results that state involvement in economy remains limited but it is focused on energy, transport and water supply. Market Entry and Exit: Here we can conclude that Albania is one of the countries that have facilitated business entry to the market but procedures for market exit are still ineffective. Legal System: Albanian faces many weaknesses in rule of law, according to real data, corruption is in considerable levels and reforms of property rights are still incomplete. This has adverse affect on the market environment. Financial sectors and Development: Some progress is made but it is needed the consolidation of public finances and the reduction of public debt. Human and Fiscal Capital: The structure of macro economy remains unchanged; also informality remains again a challenge. Albanian economy is tangible by industry specific shocks. State influence: State interventions are limited but it is still a concern the impact on the public finance of the lack of diversification and Economic integration with EU: Albania has remained a leading trading and an investment partner of EU, as result trade with CEFTA has been increased. The third section will examine Albanian ability to take the obligation of membership. The analysis is structured based on internal and external market of Albania which includes: Free movement of goods; there has been a progress as regards of stabilization, but further efforts are needed to be done and the preparations are advanced in this part. Free movement of people; The progress here is visible, since 2010 Visa liberalization can be counted as a success especially towards professional qualifications, but further efforts are needed to be plane. Free movement of capital; there also has been some progress with adaption of amendments of criminal code, low of banks and low of prevention of money laundering but even though there are several efforts that are needed to be taken. As a conclusion I have to say that Albania has made little progress toward economic development and the consolidation of its democ racy. This is shown by the report of European commission on October 2012, as the results at fulfilling the EU’ twelve priorities were poor, and obviously it was clear that Albania would lose its chances to be awarded with the candidate status on December 2012 – and December 2013. Such a step was not justified by our economic and political conditions. Relations between the EU and Albania Albania is a country that is part of the Stabilization and Association Process. According to this pact we can say that Albania has strictly implemented its obligations. Between the EU and our country there is a regular political dialogue and economic growth, which has continued through the SAA structure. In March and April of last year, Albania took part in the meeting organized by the Stabilization and Association Committee and the European Council in which they discussed the reform of public administration. Albania was involved in this dialogue with multilateral economic focus with the Commission and the EU member countries, with focus, preparation and coordination of domestic economic policies to integrate economic and monetary union in the EU. One of the most important achievements of Albania was the liberalization of visas for citizens traveling to the Schengen area. This agreement entered into force in December 2010. Immediately after this agreement and until today, the committee evaluates on a regular basis, the progress made by the country in the implementation of rules and visa roadmap. Albania is a country that is waiting for EU membership, as such; it has received transition assistance, institution building and cross-border mergers. For the period 2007 – 2013, the European Union has allocated for Albania, an amount of â‚ ¬ 594 million. This amount of benefit, its focus is on justice, politics and public administration reforms in Albania, and also based on individual sectors, transport, and environment, and agriculture, social and rural development. This component is managed by the EU Delegation in Albania / Tirana. Regarding the upcoming years 2014 – 2020, the European Commission and the Albanian government will negotiate and discuss the needs and capacities for future assistance. We need to know that Albania is a member of several EU programs as example; Program Throughout life learning; Europe for Citizens, Culture, Competitiveness and Innovation. Economic Criteria In 1993 after examination of economic development and the state in which Albania was, in Copenhagen European Council stated that, to be part of the European Union, Albania needs to be focused towards a functioning market economy and also to have the capacity to cope with the challenges of a competitive market of EU The existence of a functioning market economy Policy Essential In order for Albania to have a focused market economy and sustainable, the main political parties, which have impact on the country’s economic policies, must agree on the basis of sound market economy, despite political tension in the country. Based on the report of the European Committee for Albania, the country’s macroeconomic stability has been maintained, but there are some shortcomings again. Among these deficiencies can mention the 2012 budget deficit, which was beyond the norm. The deficit caused, statutory debt, allowed to pass the measure of 60 %. In the process of privatization of property might say that was a failure. In January, Albania presented at EC Economic and Fiscal program for the years 2013-2015. The medium scenario is characterized by a very optimistic macroeconomic program. But according to the assessment of this program the Commission has submitted a lack of enforcement and targeting strategy but we can say that consensus on the basis of a mark et economy has been maintained. Macroeconomic stability According to the data obtained in the annual report of the Bank of Albania, we can conclude that economic growth in 2012 was 1.6% less than a year ago. Total gross output also shows that in 2012 was about 5% less compared with a year ago. Inflows of foreign currencies in the country by immigrants have had a slight increase of 1.6% for 2012, while private consumption has fallen to low levels. One of the main factors of economic growth, have been net exports, while for imports can say that they have recorded a considerable Decrease. After a 12-month period with a significant reduction, economic indicators tend to show a growth in late 2012 and early 2013. However we can say that GDP grew only 1.7% in the first quarter of last year. Foreign demand for Albanian products has resulted in considerable numbers. GDP per capita in purchasing power and consumption resulted in 30% among 27 that was average. According to the analysis may conclude that Albania recognized the economic growth, so gl obal crisis did not affect Albania during early 2013. During the period 2012-2013 the current account deficit decreased by about 1.5%, becoming 10.5% from 13% in 2011. Imports introduced to a decrease, 5.2% less than a year ago, while exports increased by 8.5% in total value, but may be noted here that there was a considerable increase in the export of goods but not services. In June 2013 current account deficit reached 10.1% in value to the corners of Albania. The inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI) throughout 2012 remained unchanged with that of a year ago. This influx financed about 70 % of current account deficit therefore 10 % more than in 2011. The flow of incoming capital suffered a Decrease of 11.3 % in a year, but we can say that during 2012 had a positive balance of payments and a significant increase in international reserves at 4.2 %. During 2013, foreign direct investment (FDI) rose by 12.3 % more than the previous year in annual terms. Also we can say that the current account deficit has decreased, but again is an important aspect that affects the economy of our country especially considering the volatility of FDI and remittances. Throughout 2012 we can say that there has been a significant improvement of working conditions, the unemployment rate has however recognized high scores although this year it has had an average of 13 % compared with 13.4 % the previous year. The private sector in the country has increased em ployment offer, in Albania at a rate of 2.8 % based mainly in the agriculture sector of the country. By 2013, according to statistical data, unemployment continues to be high again, with an improvement of about 0.2 %. To maintain a constant interest rate, and to administer a possible inflationary trend, was used a sound monetary policies that brought the country’s macroeconomic stability. The inflation rate in the country declined by 1.5% compared with a year ago, keeping a constant level of 2%. This stability at a rate of 2-4% inflation was the main objective of the Bank of Albania. Since that in Albania, we have basket price fluctuations this reflected in a slowdown of annual inflation from 2.5% in 2012 to 2.2% in 2013. In an effort to stimulate economic growth in the country, the Bank undertook several measures, as for example the reduction of the basic interest rate from 3.75 to 3.5% during the past year. The financial system in Albania has achieved a significant degree of Euroisation. Loans in Euros remained at a level of 61% of deposits in July the past year, compared with 64% in 2012. While in terms of other deposits in foreign currency statements have a slight decrease of 2%. Albania represents a floating exchange rate regime, which has remained the same since 1992. Albanian Lek has maintained sustainability where its value in 2012 reflected a 0.9% appreciatio n against the euro. We generally are within the boundaries of a stable monetary policy, have a storage inflation and a stable exchange rate. Annual revenues did increase by about 7% in 2012 compared with the previous year. During this year, the excise tax and VAT suffered significant declines, we can say that this Decrease, resulted in 12% less than the initial objectives. Revenues from GDP fell by 25.1%, which were considered in 2011, to 24.5% in 2012. In terms of GDP spending, can also say that suffered a decrease of 0.6% compared with a year ago. Public expenditures represent just 4.6% of gross production, from 5.4% the previous year. Public debt grew considerably and non-positive, from 59.4% of GDP in 2011 to 62.9% in early 2013. So our public debt has passed the legal boundaries of 60% to nearly 3%. In the area of tax administration, we can say that there have been significant improvements in the electronic payment of taxes and also the tax filing system. There are still weaknesses in tax collection. Measures have been taken for approval to exclude imports of machinery, processing equipment and raw materials used for investment. An important measure is the abolition of personal income tax. Interplay of market forces The country’s economy is dominating the private sector, which constitutes about 80% of GDP. Privatizations have been the basis for several state companies to place as Alb petrol oil Typeset, Alb telecom for telecommunications, INSIG as insurance and CEZ Distribution for energy, which due to disputes arbitrary, is now again in the hands of the state. There are counted about 11 new agreements for investments in agriculture, in 2012. In the energy sector we have also signed agreements for investment in hydropower opening. Privatization of three HPP has a monetary value of â‚ ¬ 109.5 million. However, I can say with conviction that state involvement in the economy is limited. Market entry and exit Registrations and licensing, of businesses have became more restrictive, and has faced a considerable increase of about 8% compared with a year ago. This was made possible through the established network one-stop-shop. Today licensed businesses make up about 12% of active companies. Legal system The legal system has had a slight progress, however, is necessary to ensure the proper application of the legal system. Still exist, the ownership uncertainty. Another weakness of our state law is delays of legal proceedings, more harmful to the business. The capacity to cope with competitive pressure and market forces within the Union Existence of a functioning market economy Albania has maintained macroeconomic stability through a market economy, but the economic slowdown last year causes the increase of the current deficit. This deficit has resulted in a decrease in domestic production, low inflation policy due to BoA’s objective. This deficit and rising public debt beyond the limits, has led to a lack of successful management of fiscal policy, the fiscal plan is expected to be even weaker. Albania has some structural obstacles which do not bring economic growth, contrary depleting it. Even though we have a certain advantage, barriers and other weaknesses continue to affect our economic system. Here we can mention the right of property, unemployment, and incomplete process of privatization, low competitive ability, etc. . Overall, Albania has needed to consolidate public finances, and the reduction of public debt, strengthen the economy, performance, labor market, and most importantly, the fight against corruption. Economic integration with th e EU In 2012 Albania was faced with a trade Decrease, Imports and Exports constituted 87% of GDP compared with 92% a year ago. Key partner for trade of goods and services remains the EU. From the statistical data we say that EU exports in 2012 accounted for 75% of the total, and 62% of total imports. In the first six months of 2013 resulted a shrinking trade deficit with the EU, as a result of increased exports by 18.8%, but at the same time, the EU imports fell much less. One of the main partners in trade agreements remains Italy, taking half of Albanian exports and giving third Albanian import. Italy also remains one of the most important investors in Albania although much investment during the last year has seen a decrease. Export Import, with CEFTA countries has slowed by 27% which resulted in 2011, to 3% today ABILITY TO TAKE ON THE OBLIGATIONS OF MEMBERSHIP The ability to take the membership is seen in three main factors. Free movement of goods; there has been a progress as regards of stabilization, but further efforts are needed to be done and the preparations are advanced in this part. Free movement of people; The progress here is visible, since 2010 Visa liberalization can be counted as a success especially towards professional qualifications, but further efforts are needed to be plane. Free movement of capital; there also has been some progress with adaption of amendments of criminal code, low of banks and low of prevention of money laundering but even though there are several efforts that are needed to be taken. Agriculture and rural development Based on the last economic report of EU, Albania is one of the countries that have not utilized the negotiated quotas for the agriculture products; however we can say for sure that exports have been increased with countries that Albania has bilateral agreements. Exports and Export level per GDP has been positively increased. Now we can raise a question, Why Albania has not exploiting quotas that have been negotiated in agreement from which expectations were higher? Why our agriculture products do not have comparative advantage. Regarding to Ministry of Agriculture in Albania, food products and consumer production of agriculture sector is in low rates of trade. Farms are considered small while to many hectare of land are still barren, technology process is almost old today we have still lands that are tilled by hand and levels of marketing are negative ones. This is the reason why imports in different agricultural products in Albania are higher. Regarding numbers, Albania has nearly 400 Thousand farms counted until today. These farms derive 21% of GDP and have employed more than 750 thousand persons. We should know agriculture land is 0.2Ha/ person, while 20% of poor people are farmers, in this 20% we have 93.5% of them who produce only to maintain their families not to export, the other 80% of farmers produce to sell outside borders and domestically. They sell up to 40 % of their production. Why these results? Because private investments in Albania are only 42.5 EUR per person, we still have 73 % of productive land tilled by hand. Public investments are 15 EUR per person, while we have firstly undistributed land from 98.5% of land that is returned to farmers 85.5% of it is not registered. Other problematic cases in our agriculture are also, Input quantity and quality are still low and limited. The knowledge is in low levels, Information that we take from market is inadequate, No existence of competitive products, and land market lack. Another problematic issue is that farms are not administrated well, by resulting so in a lower level of competitiveness toward other countries. Social policy and employment In terms of labor law, labor code is still in a process of approval, a challenge for our society remains the work of children ages 5-17 years old. This trend varies in 7.7% of all children in our country. In terms of health and safety at work, measures are taken to prevent accidents at work and improve working conditions. We can say that the number of accidents at work in 2012 was reduced significantly compared with 2011, but still further improvements must be hatched. As regards employment policy, is being designed an employment strategy for 2014-20. This design is still not approved. The official unemployment rate resulting in 13% during 2012, but long-term unemployment and youth unemployment are high and they need for immediate measures for reduction. Minister of Labor, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has approved three cases for persons with disabilities. Guardian of a person with disability is paid by the Albanian state. The inclusion of supervision and review of employment of individuals with disabilities in employment offices. Design activities for sign language in schools. These projects are not yet finalized. Gender Discrimination Many explanations for the gender pay gap are proposed and finally the gender pay gap is the difference between genders seen from the human development perspective, such as education, qualitative skills and experience that men and women show to the workplace. By this point of view differences between genders are often presented as discriminatory, that for instance women leave much earlier the labor market than men do, so in Albania we have more part time works for women. By analyzing the data’s we notice that the pay gap for professional or scientist women (engineers, mathematicians, financial experts, and medical doctors) in Albania is lower than man, in terms of numbers the take nearly 2.4% less than men do. In cases like basic occupations such are, construction, fast food, street vendors the wages are 21 % lower for females compared with males. Public and private sector generate two different ways of payment, when the gap is higher on private system rather in public one. The gender pay gap in the private sector is 13.7 percent, compared with15.7 percent of the public sector. Both male and female in Albania site that here has no equality in the hiring/recruitment and no standards. I think that to reduce the inequality between males and females employees should follow the same recruitment standards for both. This should be implemented also to the recruitment for managerial positions, in order to increase the number of women applying for these job positions. I believe that a unified standard of recruitment would reduce considerably the gap. Conclusion As a conclusion I have to say that Albania is a country that is part of the Stabilization and Association Process. According to this pact we can say that Albania has strictly implemented its obligations. Today Albania is a member of several EU programs as example; Program Throughout life learning; Europe for Citizens, Culture, Competitiveness and Innovation. Based on EU conditions we must say that Albania has made improvement. The existence of a good function of market economy: This includes the main essentials’ of economic policy where the primary objective is the protection of a market oriented economy. On its macroeconomic situation, we conclude that over all Albania has preserved the macroeconomic stability, because it was less affected by external economic conditions. Monetary policy of Albania has help to keep stable inflation and control inflationary expectations. Public debt is over limited and essential reforms are still missing. According to the official data, results, states involvement in economy remains limited but it is focused on energy, transport and water supply. Albania is one of the countries that have facilitated business entry to the market but procedures for market exit are still ineffective. Albanian faces many weaknesses in rule of law, according to real data, corruption is in considerable levels and reforms of property rights are still incomplete. This has adverse affect on the market environment. Some progress is made but it is needed the consolidation of public finances and the reduction of public debt. Regarding to Human and Fiscal Capital the structure of macro economy remains unchanged; also informality remains again a challenge. Albanian economy is tangible by industry specific shocks. Albania has remained a leading trading and an investment partner of EU, as result trade has been increased. Albanian ability to take the obligation of membership, the analysis is structured based on intern al and external market of Albania which includes: Free movement of goods; there has been a progress as regards of stabilization, but further efforts are needed to be done and the preparations are advanced in this part. Free movement of people; The progress here is visible, since 2010 Visa liberalization can be counted as a success especially towards professional qualifications, but further efforts are needed to be plane. Free movement of capital; there also has been some progress with adaption of amendments of criminal code, low of banks and low of prevention of money laundering but even though there are several efforts that are needed to be taken. . Based on the study the situation with the income inequality in Albania is similar to other countries of the region and maybe beyond the region. This is caused from the same factors and causes negative effect on society. The gender gap in Albania has even another factor, that of specific cultural that is characteristic for Albanian environment to prohibit this Albania should increase the harmonization of the community, working conditions, health and securities and Equal opportunities. Albania has made little progress toward economic development and the consolidation of its democ racy. This is shown by the report of European commission on October 2012, as the results at fulfilling the EU’ twelve priorities were poor, and obviously it was clear that Albania would lose its chances to be awarded with the candidate status on December 2012 – and December 2013. Such a step was not justified by our economic and political conditions. References European report for Albania 2012-2013 Bank of Albania Annual Report 2012, Production date: 21.06.2013, Author: Bank of Albania Instat, Conjuncture, Main Economic Indicators, Q3-2013
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