Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Meno free essay sample
Meno As to my being a torpedo, if the torpedo is lethargic just as the reason for lethargy in others, at that point in fact I am a torpedo, yet not something else; for I puzzle others, not on the grounds that I am clear, but since I am completely astounded myself. Furthermore, presently I know not what temperance is, and you appear to be in a similar case, in spite of the fact that you did once maybe know before you contacted me. Be that as it may, I have no issue with Join with you in the enquiry (Meno 80d). Plato, in his book Meno, characterizes whether temperance can be instructed. He does as such by introducing two distinct characters; Meno is Just a simple prop cap Plato uses with the goal that he could pass on his genuine messages through Socrates. The book is written in the persuasion style and starts with Menos question if prudence is workable. Socrates reacts to Menos question by saying that so as to address that question, one should initially know whether goodness can be characterized or not. We will compose a custom article test on Meno or on the other hand any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Meno endeavors multiple times to characterize excellence be that as it may, each time Socrates disproves his definition with a counterargument. Before the finish of his third endeavor, Meno considers Socrates a torpedo fish since he feels as though all the information that he had cquired from Gorgias was supplanted by questions and vulnerability. In the previously mentioned entry, in the doxical setting, Socrates concedes he has this impact on others since he himself doesnt know . Then again, in the ethological setting, Socrates is deriding the lessons of Gorgias and the Sophists. Also, in a more extensive viewpoint, through Socrates, Plato reprimands all who imagine like they have gained all the information feasible in this world. As Meno starts his poll, Socrates solicits Meno to repeat Gorgias definition from goodness. He gladly characterizes prudence as the capacity for a man and a ladies to finish their legitimate obligations and proceeds on my truism that ethics is diverse for all. Socrates quickly dismisses this thought by disclosing to Meno that he is depicting the various types of temperance not ethicalness itself. He attempts again by saying that ethicalness is the capacity to govern humanity in a Just way. In any case, Socrates contends this is definitely not a substantial definition since Justice or the demonstration of being Just is an ethicalness itself for the meaning of a word can't have some portion of the word in the definition. On his third attempt, Meno portrays uprightness as the longing for and the capacity to accomplish great. Socrates by and by disproves this definitions by saying that the meaning of good changes from individuals. At the end of the day, ones great can be somebody elses terrible. After their long and tedious discussion, Meno to some degree abandons characterizing what uprightness is since Socrates had something degenerate to state about each definition he thought of. Consequently Meno says to Socrates, you appear to me both in your appearance and in your control over others to resemble the level torpedo fish, who torpifies the individuals who draw close to him nd contact him, as you have now torpified me (79d). In the doxical sense, Socrates legitimizes his viewpoint and his thinking by saying that he baffles or mistakes everybody for he himself doesn't have the foggiest idea. What's more he proceeds by saying that Meno himself guaranteed that he comprehended what ethicalness was once and now he goes with Socrates to tind the genuine definition ot righteousness. Additionally, in the ethological sense, Socrates delivers this announcement to Gorgias and the Sophists. Gorgias showed the residents of his town how to talk and sound like an astute man. In spite of the fact that these people have not picked up astuteness they were prepared to act as they did. For example Gorgias instructed Meno what excellence is at the same time, he in fact educated Meno of a righteousness not uprightness completely. This thus implies Gorgias himself doesn't have the foggiest idea about the genuine meaning of temperance either. His numbness of such information suggests that different skeptics as him don't know too . Socrates verifiably utilizes the possibility that it isn't directly for one to lecture of an idea except if one completely gets it. Through Socrates Plato passes on the possibility that one must ractice what the lecture. Socrates makes questions in others minds since he himself is far fetched about numerous things on the planet. Be that as it may, Gorgias and different Sophists like him lecture of what they don't have a clue and can't rehearse it for themselves since they don't know about what they lecturing. Through Socrates, Plato passes on the incongruity of the circumstance to his perusers. Socrates was executed in 399 B. C since he was blamed for tainting the young. Nontheless, ironicly the Sophists were really the ones that were ruining the young people with bogus nformation while Socrates was lecturing genuine information. Through the aporetic dispassionate discoursed, Plato plans for the perusers to be occupied with the conversation Meno and Socrates have. This commitment permits the perusers to experience and endeavor to fgure out the significance of temperance and whether it is workable or not. Plato expects for his perusers to recollect the inquiries that Socrates posed to show up at all of his answers. At the finish of this Platonic Dialog, Plato needs his perusers to logicians themselves and tackle regular day to day existence circumstances hrough this inquiries as opposed to professing to recognize what to do. At last, none of the words in the Meno ought to be fully trusted. Every single word in the content has a more profound significance whether it be doxical, ethnological, legendary or amusing. Plato has a reason for all the occasions in the book. In spite of the fact that Meno considered Socrates a torpedo fish to ridicule his questionares, the counterargument Socrates utilized was a shrewd hit to the Sophists. Through his confusing work, Plato moves every one of his perusers to see the world in a philosophical way.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dresden and the Destruction of Vonneguts Dream :: Slaughterhouse-Five Essays
Dresden and the Destruction of Vonnegut's Dream The little dream Vonnegut took with him to war was definitely not established on the rubble of craziness, ludicrousness, and silliness that he encountered in WWII. His fantasy was established on hand, solidness, and equity. It was established on what Dresden represented. Also, when Dresden vanished so too did Vonnegut's dream. (Klinkowitz 223) Vonnegut's perspectives on death, war, innovation and human instinct were totally influenced by his involvement with Dresden and these subjects become apparent in his books. The consistent theme between all of Vonnegut's topics is war.The shelling of Dresden had a significant sway on the life and composing of Kurt Vonnegut. Once in a while has a solitary episode so overwhelmed crafted by an essayist (Goldsmith IX). World War II formed a large number of Kurt Vonnegut's methods of reasoning that show up in his books, particularly Slaughterhouse Five. With Slaughterhouse Five, Vonnegut had the option to manage his war time bad dream (Klinkowitz 225). In Slaughterhouse Five we witness a snapshot of parity in Vonnegut's life when he finds himself fit for managing the extreme torment of his Dresden experience and all set on with the matter of living. On the off chance that the war turns into a general allegory for Vonnegut's vision of human condition, Dresden turns into the image, the core (Reed 186). What made the Dresden shelling significantly progressively loathsome to Vonnegut was that as a detainee, he was amusingly shielded from the bombs and fire. Planes from his nation did the bombarding, and he was culprit, eyewitness and focus on all simultaneously (Goldsmith ix). Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. was conceived on November 11, 1922 in Indianapolis, Indiana. He later served in the US Army Infantry. He was caught after the Battle of the Bulge and sent to Dresden to work in a production line. Subsequent to being granted the Purple Heart in 1967, he got the Guggenheim Fellowship to investigate Slaughterhouse Five.
Europeans coming to America DBQ Essay Example for Free
Europeans coming to America DBQ Essay In the fourteenth century the Europeans set out to locate an all water course to Asia to exchange and get flavors, silks, gold, porcelain, and different wealth. Little did they no they wound up being the main Europeans to investigate the New World. When the New World was found, an ever increasing number of wayfarers kept on wandering out to this New World. The European pioneers continued returning to the New World for riches, an expanded measure of influence in Europe, to spread the Christian religion, and some more. The appearance of the Europeans affected the lives of Native Americans in negative manners, the locals kicked the bucket from infection the Europeans brought, were transformed into slaves, and needed to absorb to new land. Despite the fact that there were many negative impacts of their appearance there were certain effects too, for example, the trading of assets. The Europeans changed the Native American lifestyles until the end of time. One reason the Europeans went to the new World was to secure gold. Nicolas Le Challeux who cruised from France in 1565 expressed this nation was wealthy in gold (Document 2). Because of the way that gold was the essential objective to conquistadors, Pizarro and Cortes went to the New World so as to vanquish gold filled land. Pizarro and Cortes explicitly went to the Aztec and Inca domains in light of the fact that the sanctuaries were made of gold. As indicated by the chart entitled, Exports of Gold and Silver from the New World to Spain, it was evident that inside these years, 1576-1580, much gold was traded from the New World to Spain (Document 3). This is on the grounds that Pizarro and Cortes vanquished the Aztec and Inca domains and took gold. Gold was a central explanation behind the European Explores to go to the New World.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Marketing Essays Red Bull
Advertising Essays Red Bull Chapter by chapter guide Presentation Red Bull and Marketing Theory Presentation Market Entry Market Strategy Advertising Communications Organization Analysis Investigative Methods Organization Sales and Diversification Qualities Shortcomings Openings Dangers Ends Eventual fate of Red Bull and Recommendations References Presentation Red Bull has made a solid brand picture, utilizing bright symbol with two bulls in restriction and an important slogan; ‘Red Bull gives you wings’. Through inventive advertising and sponsorship it has connected itself with outrageous games, creative music and workmanship, all pointed decisively at the youth advertise (Dahlen, Lange and Smith, 2010). This brief analyzes brand advancement, which methodologies have helped it to progress and where the brand goes from here as it faces the possibility of losing its front line picture while proceeding to a great extent with just a single item. Red Bull is an European example of overcoming adversity. The item was propelled in 1987 in Austria. It confronted resistance from the Food and Drink Administration (FDA), who would not clear it for dispersion however notwithstanding this it turned into an underground accomplishment through clubbers and snowboarders. This mutinous position discovered cooperative energy with shoppers, much after it was cleared available to be purchased. It immediately spread into neighboring nations and into the US advertise (Franzen and Moriarty, 2009). Dahlen, Lange and Smith (2010) note that by 2004, it had increased 40% portion of its market area and 70% in Europe. In any case, the brand still confronted issues; it was prohibited in Denmark and France following unconfirmed gossipy tidbits that individuals had passed on from drinking the item in Sweden and Ireland (Mail Online, 2001). The European market was deteriorating, and it confronted appropriation issues from organizations supporting their own-image items. The ever-present rivalry from Pepsi and Coca-Cola restricted the degree for development. With these weights, the organization built up a showcasing procedure that stayed away from standard publicizing, rather concentrating on grass-roots advancement. The item was sold in popular dance club and bars, and the believability of those held in high respect by the youthful objective crowd, for example, DJs (Boswijk, Thijssen and Peelen, 2007). Brand training was given by prominent visits to places where the organization felt individuals ‘might need a lift’. Models incorporate workplaces, building destinations and carports. So called Red Bull wholesalers abused their neighborhood information to help sell the brand and its items. It terms of more prominent promoting, Red Bull has fundamentally centered around keeping up its connections with extraordinary games. It supports two Formula One groups (Red Bull and Toro Rosso), just as snowboarding, kite-boarding, surfing and airplane hustling. These underline its responsibility to its young, lively objective crowd. The following piece of the brief inspects how its promoting system fits into contemporary advertising hypothesis. Red Bull and Marketing Theory Presentation Red Bull is basically a one-item brand, offered at a superior cost in its market area. Having begun in Austria, it immediately spread to different markets counting the USA and has become the market head in its division. It utilizes a novel way to deal with advertising, which is examined later in this segment. In wording of the customary 4Ps of showcasing, subsequently, the organization is anything but difficult to order. Be that as it may, the 4P strategy has gotten analysis as being to some degree constrained (Lee, 2001), and subsequently the organization is analyzed from various points of view in this segment, beginning with advertise passage. Market Entry Any new organization needs to decide how they plan to enter another market. This will be predicated by various factors, for example, the accessible assets, the deals destinations, item offered and existing rivalry (Fifield, 1998). On account of Red Bull, the dispatch of the new item settled another classification of item; that of caffeinated drinks. Gotten from an idea found by Dietrich Mateschitz in the Far East, the equation created included enormous measures of caffeine, sugars (glucose and sucrose) and taurine (Red Bull, 2014). Taurine is a ‘conditional amino acid’, which implies it can't be made by the body however should be given in the eating routine. It is found in meat and fish (WebMD, 2014). It is utilized restoratively in the treatment of congestive cardiovascular breakdown, hypertension, elevated cholesterol and diabetes, among different conditions, and it is available in newborn child equations. Taken together with the different fixings, Red Bull asserts that it gives a jolt of energy (Red Bull, 2014). Since no comparable sort of item existed available, there was no immediate contender. As a trend-setter, the organization needed to instruct its intended interest group on the product’s benefits. On the off chance that a mass market section approach is utilized, this can be incredibly costly (Hill and Jones, 2012), since clients must be persuaded that the new item is sheltered, has special advantages and is socially adequate. Instead of endeavoring to do this for a huge scope, Red Bull embraced a novel technique dependent on presenting the item at a grass roots level. It is advanced as an in vogue drink at occasions where its principle target crowd assembles; clubs, extraordinary games and even gatherings. In the last mentioned, it urges understudies to set up Red Bull parties and furnishes them with free jars to convey to their companions. The organization additionally utilizes vehicles in the corporate shading plan †together with an immense can †which give out limited time tests (Onkvisit and Shaw, 2009). At first, conveyance is set up utilizing little merchants. Now and again, the organization has employed stockrooms furthermore, set up youngsters to forcefully sell the item (Pride and O’Ferrell, 2006). To the extent can be resolved from the accessible writing, this approach is probably going to keep on being utilized in tending to new markets in future. Market Strategy Its picked procedure has prompted solid informal deals in new markets, and this gives a springboard to advance accomplishment in those business sectors. As it develops, it puts further in making occasions, for example, the Flugtag, where contenders endeavor to fly from a wharf utilizing hand crafted, unpowered airplane †the greater part of which are unequipped for flight, and soapbox dashing (Red Bull, 2014a). This draws the two contenders and crowds. The vast majority of the occasions the organization supports are progressively proficient in nature and spread an expanding scope of exercises, from dynamite air dashing utilizing stunt planes, to bluff plunging, wingsuit hustling, motorsports and undertakings. The organization has even moved into PC gaming and e-sports. The highlights that are regular to all of these exercises are their fascination in their intended interest group and their physical and mental prerequisites. Having recognized this methodology, the organization has all the earmarks of being quick to keep on misusing it. While considering the market situating of the Red Bull caffeinated drink, it nearly gives the idea that it has emerged naturally from the properties of the item; it bolsters physical and mental effort and hence the market position underpins this. Be that as it may, this misrepresents is supported by shrewd physical and mental situating. The physical situating alludes to the product’s one of a kind attributes (it gives vitality from its novel recipe) and the mental situating gets from its image picture as being young and fiery, and socially alluring to its twenty-something main fans (Lantos, 2011). From its unique item offering (one item), the organization has added a little to its portfolio through the presentation of Red Bull without sugar, Red Bull zero-calories, Red Bull versions (in kinds of cranberry, lime and blueberry) and Red Bull cola. The cola is advanced just like the main cola drink made from 100% characteristic fixings and puts forth the defense that, not at all like different brands that may be referenced, it has no mystery recipe. The organization follows a similar essential marking approach for these extra items, apparently because they will interest subsets of their current objective crowd. Showcasing Communications Anyway great a brand is, it has no worth except if it can convey its novel attributes to the shopper. On this premise, Red Bull has an exceptionally powerful promoting interchanges approach, it is presently perceived as the 74th most significant brand on the planet, with an estimation of $7.5 billion USD (Forbes, 2014). From grass roots showcasing, nowadays the brand is progressively perceived through its sponsorship activities. This is sponsored up with a solid online nearness that unequivocally mirrors the brand picture and gives a type of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC). The organization sees present day interchanges media as being basic to their prosperity (Kotler and Keller, 2012). The explanation Red Bull has made such progress has been that it has effectively adjusted its image personality to that of its intended interest group in a manner not accomplished by its rivals (Urbany and Davis, 2010). In any event, when it utilizes conventional showcasing media, for example, TV, it does as such in a peculiar manners that doesn't pay attention to itself as well. In doing so it keeps up the picture that interests to its clients. It is this consistancy of message that is so essential to IMC. Whatever channel is utilized to get the message over, it must be equivalent to those utilized on elective channels. Computerized media gives an undeniably significant strategy for speaking with buyers, and Red Bull has distinguished this. Just as having a solid site that centers around the sponsorship exercises it is associated with, it additionally gives connects to online life sites, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ also, You Tube. These locales provid
Saturday, August 15, 2020
40 Advanced and Alternative Search Engines
40 Advanced and Alternative Search Engines There’s tons of information on the internet, and without search engines, it would be next to impossible to find much of this information.When you mention the term search engine, most people automatically think of Google, and this is not in any way surprising.Owing to its high personalized user experience, dominant advertising platform, and powerful algorithms, Google has become a behemoth in the search industry, accounting for about 89% of search traffic, according to search engine rankings by Statista.In addition to Google, the other two big players in the search market in the United States are Bing and Yahoo.With these three capturing majority of the search traffic, it is easy to assume that there is no room for any other players. However, these are not the only reliable search engines.There are numerous other advanced and alternative search engines, some of which allow you to do much more than you can using the big three search engines, and others which cater to niche requiremen ts.Knowing some of these alternative search engines and their specific features make it easier for you to find information you are looking for without spending valuable time browsing through tons of endless stuff.For instance, if you are looking for word documents or PDF files, it is much easier to search for them on a document-oriented search engine rather than on a general search engine.Similarly, if you are looking for social media content, it is much easier to find it when using a social oriented search engine.With knowledge about the different search engines and their features, you can found just about anything you are looking for on the internet.Below, we have compiled for you a list of 40 advanced and alternative search engines, grouped by their category.GENERAL SEARCH ENGINESBefore going into niche specific search engines, let’s start by looking at some alternative search engines that you can use for your general search.1. DuckDuckGo With online privacy increasingly becoming a concern, DuckDuckGo has recently gained a lot of popularity due to its privacy focused features.Unlike Google, which keep a record of everything you do online, DuckDuckGo does not track your search queries or results.In addition, they don’t use your search data to target you with ads. DuckDuckGo also has a highly intuitive, easy-to-use user interface. If you are concerned about your online privacy, this is the best search engine for you. Their privacy features are so advanced that DuckDuckGo is the default browser for the privacy focused Tor Browser.2. Search Encrypt If you are looking for a privacy-focused search engine but have your reservations against using DuckDuckGo, Search Encrypt is a great alternative.Search Encrypt ensures your searches remain private by locally encrypting your searches before they are redirected to the Search Encrypt search engine.This means it is impossible for anyone snooping on your network to access your se arch terms. What’s more, all your search results on Search Encrypt expire after 15 minutes and can no longer be accessed by anyone.3. Dogpile Unlike the others in the list, Dogpile is not exactly a search engine in itself. Instead, it is a search aggregator. When you search for information on Dogpile, it aggregates results from other popular search engines and presents the information in a clean organized list.This saves you the trouble of having to search for the same information on multiple search engines.4. Ecosia Like its name suggests, Ecosia is a search engine that is geared towards environmental conservation efforts. It gives you a chance to contribute to environmental conservation by doing nothing more than searching for information online.All the surplus income that Ecosia earns is dedicated towards tree planting initiatives. According to Ecosia, one tree is planted by the Ecosia community every 7 seconds.The Ecosia search engine uses its own search algorithms in conjunction with Bing search algorithms.5. Qwant This is another search engine that is focused on user privacy.According to the their privacy policy, Qwant does not place any cookies on your computer or use any other tracking devices that would it make it possible for them to create a profile of you or your browsing habits.In addition, your search terms and your search history do not get recorded or stored. All all your searches are also instantly dissociated from your IP address to anonymize the search.Qwant allows you to create an account that allows you to customize your preferences, language, and so on. However, even when logged into your Qwant account, your settings and preference are stored locally on your computer, rather than on the Qwant servers.6. Yandex Though it is most extensively used in Russia, its native country (it controls 60% of Russian search market share), Yandex is the fifth most popular search engine across the world.It is a user-friendly search engine that allows you to search for all kinds of information online.Just like Google, it also offers services like translation, maps, cloud storage, and so on.7. Peekier This is yet another search engine that is focused on user security and privacy, which are two major concerns for internet users today.Just like the other privacy-focused search engines discussed above, Peekier does not track your browsing sessions or keep a record of any information that could be used to identify you, such as your unique IDs, your browser’s user agent, or your IP address.While your search queries are temporarily stored for caching purposes, they are not associated with any personally identifiable information. Peekier does not store your search history and does not use any cookies.In addition, Peekier does not use any services that collect user data, such as external CDNs, social buttons, or analytics suites. Peekier pulls its search results from Bing.8. Wolfram Alpha Wolfram Alpha is a search engine whose results are based on computational knowledge and metrics. Unlike most other search engines, which simply cache web pages, Wolfram Alpha curates data and facts about various topics from external sources.Whether you are looking for sports statistics, stock data, website data, unit conversions, or historical information by date, Wolfram Alpha ensures you get factually accurate information.Wolfram Alpha also allows you to compute answers, perform all sorts of calculations, perform complex analyses and generate detailed reports about whatever information you were searching for.In addition, the information available on Wolfram Alpha is categorized by topics to make it easier for you to find.9. Gibiru This is yet another search engine that is focused on ensuring user privacy. Gibiru does not store records of user searches on their servers. They also don’t place cookies on your computer or log your IP address.This means that you don’t have to worry about your data being sold to third parties or being used to target you with ads. In addition, Gibiru has an awesome feature known as Proxy IP service, which constantly changes your IP address for anonymized searches.10. Gigablast The most distinctive thing about Gigablast is that it is an open source search engine.It provides fast results and provides a retro look, which is somewhat similar to the now-defunct Google Instant. One study even found that Gigablast search results to be better than results from Google and StartPage This search engine is a lot similar to DuckDuckGo due to the fact that it is also highly focused on user privacy.Just like DuckDuckGo, StartPage does not track or store your browsing data, and you won’t be targeted with ads based on what you are searching for.In addition to search, Startpage also has a proxy service that makes it possible for you to surf the web anonymously.12. Ask Initially started as Ask Jeeves, Ask is a search engine that provides information in QA format.The good thing with this approach is that it makes it possible to conduct natural language searches, which makes Ask quite a user-friendly search engine.In addition to giving you results related to your search terms, Ask will also give you other questions related to your search that are frequently asked by other users.13. DisconnectDisconnect is not really a search engine. Instead, it is a service that allows you to search for information from other search engines while allowing you to remain anonymous.When you conduct a search on Disconnect, your search is anonymized and rerouted by Disconnect, and then transferred to your chosen search engine.This way, the actual search engine that delivers the results cannot keep track of you, because they do not know you.14. Swisscows Based in Switzerland, this is another privacy focused search engine that does not store any of your data, such as your search data or your IP address.What’s more, with its serves located in Switzerland, you can bet that it offers great security, since Switzerland has some of the strictest privacy policies in the world.To make results even more relevant, Swisscows even puts semantic information into consideration when performing searches.It also has built in violence and pornography filters, which makes it a great choice for parents who want to put restrictions on what their kids can search for.SOCIAL MEDIA SPECIFIC SEARCH ENGINESSocial media is a sea of information. Every single minute, over 3.3 million posts are updated on Facebook, over 65,000 photos are uploaded on Instagram, and close to 500,000 tweets are sent.This is a lot of data, and if you need to look for some specific information from this sea of data, you need some specialized search tools.Below are some of the best sea rch engines you can use to search for information on specific social networks.15. Facebook Search Facebook has a very powerful search engine that allows you to find information posted on the social network.To use this search engine, all you need is to type your search terms in the Facebook search bar.The Facebook search engine also gives you the option of using filters to sort the search results based on parameters such as upload date, source, group, pages, tagged location, people, and so on.This tool is the best way of finding information on the world’s largest social network.16. LinkedIn People Search LinkedIn is the best social network for professional networking.However, with over 610 million users, and over 300 million active users, finding the people you are looking for can be a bit hectic without a proper search tool. This is where the LinkedIn People Search comes in.With this search engine, you can search for people and sort the results by language, relationship, industry, company, location, seniority level, and so on.Premium members have access to even more advanced search options. They can filter results using filters such as company size, groups, years of experience, and so on.17. LinkedIn Job Search In addition to professional networking, LinkedIn is also a great place to look for job opportunities, with over 20 million open jobs posted on the platform. The LinkedIn Job Search allows you to find information about these jobs.The search engine also allows you to filter the job search results using information such as the industry, location, company, and so on. You can also customize the search so as to see the most relevant results based on your level of experience.18. LinkedIn Content Search Aside from people and jobs, LinkedIn also allows users to share professional content with their followers.The LinkedIn Content Search allows users to search for and find relevant user generated content based on their search keywords.19. Twitter Search With over 500 million tweets being sent every minute, it can be a bit difficult to find relevant information on the micro-blogging site.However, the Twitter advanced search makes it a lot easier to find whatever information you are looking for.What’s more, you can even find geography-specific information using the “Near this place†option.SOCIAL SEARCHThe social media search engines we just looked at above are great when you want to find information within a specific social network.Sometimes, however, you want to search for information on multiple social networks.For instance, if you are a business owner who wants to learn what customers are saying about your business on social media, you need to conduct searches on multiple social networks.However, searching individually on each network can be burdensome.In this case, your best option is to use a social search engine.Some great social search engines include:20. Social Mention Social Mention allows you to search across multiple platforms for all kinds of user-generated content, such as news, status updates, tweets, bookmarks, comments, blogs, videos, images, and so on.This tool is great for finding the topics people are talking about, as well as following what people are saying about your business online.Once you perform your search, all the content from multiple platforms is presented as a single stream of information.21. Keyhole This search engine allows you to search various social platforms for things like mentions, hashtags, keywords, and URLs.Keyhole is a great tool for brand monitoring, campaign monitoring, event monitoring, and market research.Using Keyhole, you can search for hashtags, mentions, URLs, and keywords on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and so on.22. Buzzsumo This is another great search engine for social content.With Buzzsumo, you simply type a topic you are interested in and you will see the most shared articles that are related to that topic.Buzzsumo also comes with a premium version that gives you access to more advanced search tools.23. Social SearcherThis search engine is great for searching for trending links and mentions across various social media platforms. It is a great tool for monitoring your brand as well as monitoring what social media users are saying about your business, brand, product, or service.24. Spokeo This is another great search engine for searching through social platforms.It is great for finding people’s profiles on various social networks.Simply enter a person’s first or last name, email address, username, or phone number, and Spokeo will give you results showing all the various social profiles associated with your search query.25. Anoox Anoox is a search engine that allows you to search for topics and find what conversations people are having around the topic on various social platforms.Anoox also doubles as a social platform itself, which means you can also ask questions and receive answers from other Anoox users.BLOG AND FORUM SEARCH ENGINESBlogs have also gone mainstream, with over 4.4 million blog posts getting published each single day.Below are search engines you can use to find relevant blogs.26. Blog Search Engine This search engine allows you to use keywords to search for blogs and blog posts. Blog Search Engine also allows you to submit your own blogs to their database or subscribe to an RSS feed on whatever topic you are interested in.27. TwinglyThis is another blog search engine that allows you to find blogs by searching for relevant keywords. In addition to blogs, Twingly also keeps track of forums, news sites, and so on.At the moment, Twingly keeps track of updates from over 5 million blogs, over 110,000 news and media sites, and over 11,500 forums.28. Boardreader BoardReader is a search engine that allows users to search for topics and conversations on various forums.Simply enter your search terms and BoardReader will bring up all relevant results from multiple forums. It also gives you the option of sorting these results by language, date, and so on.SEARCH ENGINES FOR ATTACHMENTSSometimes, you might be interested in search results that have downloadable attachments, such as PDFs, Word documents, presentations, eBooks, and so on.While you can find such attachments by applying filters on Google, there are some alternative search engines that are dedicated to this kind of content. These include:29. Scribd This is a social reading and publishing platform that is perfect for finding original content on the internet. On Scribd, you can search for books, articles, documents, audiobooks, magazines, and even sheet music. What’s more, most of this content is downloadable. Their search feature even allows you to filter your results by file type, language, category, cost, date of upload, length, and so on.30. Slideshare Owned by LinkedIn, Slideshare is an online community for sharing presentations. Simply type the topic you are interested in on the search bar and you will discover tons of presentations and visual content around the topics.IMAGE SEARCH ENGINESIf you are looking for images to use on your project, below are some of the top search engines you can use to find awesome images from across the internet:31. Google Image Search This is perhaps the most popular image search engine. To access it, simply search for something on Google and then click on the images tab. With the Google image search, you can filter the results by size, color, type (clip art, gifs, line drawings, etc.), upload time, usage rights, and so on.32. Flickr This is an image focused search engine that also doubles as a social media channel. While the search results are restricted to images within the Flickr network, it is still one of the best options for searching for images.You can even filter your results to only view images that have the Creative Commons license.33. PinterestThis is another awesome platform for searching for images. Simply search for whatever interests you â€" cars, house designs, tattoos, you name it â€" and Pinterest will give you numerous image results related to your search topic. What’s more, you even have the option of pinning interesting images to your favorites, so that you can easily find them next time.34. TinEye This is a reverse image search engine that allows you to upload an image and find out everywhere else it appears online.If you have an image and would like to know where it came from, or if you are a creative who wants to know how your images are being used, this is the perfect search engine for you.35. Picsearch PicSearch can be compared to the Google Images Advanced Search.Simply type in whatever term you are interested in and PicSearch will find all associated images on the internet. PicSearch claims to have an index of over 3 billion images.36. Bing Advanced Image Search This is the image search feature of the general Bing search engine.You can access it by simply searching for something on Bing and then clicking on the images tab.This search engine also gives you the option of filtering results by layout, size, date, license, and so on.CREATIVE COMMONS SEARCH ENGINESIf you want to find images and photos you can use freely on your site or project without having to worry about intellectual rights, you need to look for images with the creative commons license.Below are some search engines that will help you to easily find Creative Commons images.37. Creative Commons Search The Creative Commons search engine crawls through other search engines such as Flickr, Google, Pixabay, Wikimedia, and so on and only gives you results of images that are under the creative commons license. Still, before using the images, it is advisable to confirm that they are actually under this license.38. Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a repository of that contains a collection of freely usable images, videos, and sound clips.Simply type your search terms on the search bar and Wikimedia will bring you free to use images associated with your search terms.VIDEO SEARCHVideo has become one of the most consumed types of media on the internet, with more than 500 hours of video uploaded on YouTube every single minute, without taking into consideration other sites. Below are some search engines you can use to search for video files:39. YouTube Not only is YouTube the largest video sharing platform, it is also one of the largest search engines.Every single month, YouTube processes over 3 billion searches, and has even been dubbed the second largest search engine.Whatever topics you are interested in, simply search for it on YouTube and you’ll find videos related to the topic.40. 360 Daily If you are looking for video content that is not on YouTube, then 360 Daily is your best bet.This search engine indexes videos posted on hundreds of video sites.WRAPPING UPThere is no doubt Google is the best and most powerful search engine on the internet.Unfortunately, using Google comes at a cost.Google constantly tracks your online behavior and uses this data to personalize the search experience for you and target you with ads.Most people do not think this is a huge concern, but if you are a focused on your privacy, using the alternative search engines covered in this article can help you hide from Google’s prying eyes.Aside from allowing you to keep your data from Google, some of the alternative search engines covered in this article also act as specialty tools that allow you to perform niche searches based on what you are looking for.
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